Cold Water Advocacy

Public Policy Actions

Rocky Mountain Flycasters closely monitors public policy actions that may broadly impact cold-water resources and/or people who utilize them. When necessary we will actively influence decision makers to ensure future generations can also enjoy the benefits realized from healthy coldwater streams and their watersheds. This type of advocacy typically involves legislative, or regulatory rule-making proposals by governments and their agencies. Some examples of this type of advocacy include:

  • Colorado legislation defining boundaries of roadless areas.

  • Colorado rules on conduct of oil/gas exploration and production in environmentally sensitive areas.

  • Colorado rules to prevent introduction of invasive species into Colorado waters.

Projects and Permitting Processes

This class of advocacy typically involves review of applications from others to obtain permits for actions that will impact cold-water resources. Some examples of this type of advocacy include:

  • Water storage projects, both new storage projects and the enlargement of existing storage projects.

  • Removal of in-stream structures that impede habitat connectivity e.g. irrigation diversions, flumes, etc.

  • Changes in water management practices

  • Mitigation of damage to fisheries caused by alteration of existing structures.
