Fishing Stories
We all have memorable fishing moments, times when the fishing was just perfect or times when it wasn’t. This is a page to share those moments with fishing comrades or others interested in a good story.
Fishing the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge Green River, WY
With two drift boats in tow, five members of the Rocky Mountain Flycasters made the six hour trek to the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge on the Green River in Wyoming. Tom Greenup, Mark Miller, David Morse, Frank Bub, and Ron Fletcher packed their tents, sleeping bags, 5 gallon water jugs, and camp stoves for this five-day trip over the Memorial Day weekend. Talk about getting lucky with the weather! It was freezing cold before we arrived. We then had three cool but beautiful days to fish. Then on our departure day it rained hard the entire day, which was actually very nice because it washed all the mud off our boats and trailers and vehicles. Read the full story and see the video.
Alaska Adventure by Coy Wiley
Bucket list: places you want to go, experiences you want to have and memories you want to make you are still standing on this side of the grass. [more…]
Fishing the Headwaters of the Big Thompson River by Mark Miller
Our Host Bill Gillett and Mark Miller were the only two fly fishers that participated in last Saturday’s trip (Aug 27th) to fish small streams on the east side of RMNP—headwaters of the Big Thompson. [more…]
Classical Music and Fly Fishing in Aspen by Marc McKenzie
By way of re-introduction, my name is Marc McKenzie and I’m a trout-a-holic. In the late 1980s I was a member of Rocky Mountain Flycasters, but family and work eclipsed my free time - though I have always found bits of time here and there to fish. [more…]
2014 Green River Trip by Mark Miller
Four RMF members left for Dutch John, Utah, early on Friday Sept 12th. The guilty parties were Bob Green, David Cunningham, Mark Miller, and our Trip Host, Jim Booth. [more…]
Brookies Galore by Dennis Cook
The Colorado River takes on an entirely different character when its headwaters begin their accent from the flat openness of the Kawuneeche Valley into the cool shadows cast by towering spruce and pines. [more…]
Gore Canyon 2013 by Mark Miller
The fishing and the scenery was great – but the catching was really tough! [more…]
RMNP Meadows Streams “Small but Mighty”
Friday morning, April 13th, the sun rose fairly bright and welcomed seven intrepid chapter anglers who gathered at the Loveland K-Mart parking lot. [more…]
July 1889: A Fishing and Hunting Trip
It was in the month of July, 1889
that Ed and his party took fish hook and line
to go up the Poudre a fishing for whale,
and to see fine scenery and shoot a few quail.
Graylings Galore…aka Graylings Grope!
We began our resurrected Rocky Mountain Flycasters Fishing Trips on October 13, 2012 with plans to sample some Grayings up at Joe Wright Reservoir up the Cache la Poudre River near Cameron Pass. [more…]
Fishing with Music
A few years ago, my son Greg and I decided to fish the river that runs through the Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch property. It is a marvelous stretch of the Big Thompson River….
River Cleanup 2010
Hello my name is Grace Evans. I am eleven years old, and in the 6th grade. I am the granddaughter of Lee Evans, the Rocky Mountain FlyCasters Trout Unlimited chapter president.
Trip of a Lifetime
In June of 1985, several of the local gang planned a trip to fish the Bristol Bay area of Alaska, and incorporate some talks on “Field Medicine.”
Green on the Green
The third annual RMF fishing trip was in March to the famed Green River in Utah. After lots of boasting, posturing, and haranguing,…
Dream Stream 2013
Six TU members made it to the South Park area on Memorial Day weekend. Bruce Rosenthal graciously put us up at his cabin…
Gorgeous 19 Inch Brown
My jaw dropped and the knees were knocking. My heart was pounding at an enormous rate.
By the Skin of our Teeth
This February, 2007, I was lucky enough to be invited for the second time to fish the South Island of NZ with Gene. He is a close friend of the biologists down there, and we spend part of our time living and fishing with some of them.
Carp Carpum
Greg Evans and I played hooky from work and planned on floating Gray Reef for two day in early November.
How the Trout Killed Custer
On the 25th of June, 1876, George Armstrong Custer and 251 men with his 7th Cavalry were killed, along with many Sioux and Cheyenne, on that hot afternoon in 1876.
Not all fish stories are fish stories. If you have one to share, please contact the webmaster.