Our Mission
Trout Unlimited’s mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.
Since 1983, Rocky Mountain Flycasters has led the effort in Northern Colorado to conserve, protect and restore cold water resources in the Poudre and Big Thompson watersheds.
Trout Unlimited accomplishes its mission on local, state and national levels with an extensive and dedicated volunteer network. TU’s national office, based just outside of Washington, D.C., and its regional offices, including those in Colorado, employ professionals who testify before Congress, publish a quarterly magazine, intervene in federal legal proceedings, and work with the organization’s 142,000 volunteers in 400 chapters nationwide to keep them active and involved in conservation activities.
Rocky Mountain Flycasters Achievements and Ongoing Activities
Aided formation of the CPRW.
Participated at formation of the 2013 post-flood formation of the BTWC.
Big Thompson post-flood river reaches streambed changes and flows assessment.
Many river clean ups on the Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson.
Gateway Natural Area Black Gunpowder trail maintenance.
Poudre watershed fire restoration.
Big Thompson watershed fire restoration.
Eagles Nest Natural Area Restoration.
Rocky Mountain National Park Trout surveys
U.S. Forest Service post-fire Stream Assessment.
Lone Pine Creek Fencing Project 2021
Poudre River Population Estimate (Big South)
Brook Trout Study with CSU - 2021
PHP Upper Barrier concrete work completed Dec 2021
Strong Youth Conservation and Fly Fishing Day Camp.
Greenback Cutthroat Trout restoration.
Stream bank armoring, fencing and invasive plants removal.
Trout in the Classroom public schools programs.
Big Thompson River Fishing Pier rebuilt after 2013 flood
Joint sponsorship for construction of fish passage on Poudre River near Watson Lake.
Sheep Creek road culvert post-installation streambank stabilization to enable native trout spawn passage.
Stream Temperature Monitoring projects each summer/fall
Aquatic insects sampling - Big Thompson River
Black Hollow Poudre River Clean-up Day 2021
RMNP Fisheries work in support of the National Park Service
Supported Stream Girls Events - Ft Collins