2025 Trout Fishing Expo

2025 Trout Fishing Expo

Event Features

  • Up to 30 Exhibitors: Exhibitors including Local Fly Shops, RMFTU's conservation and education programs, Local Watershed Coalitions, College Fishing Clubs, and more...

  • Fly Tying Demonstrations - over 20 well know expert tyers

  • Raffles / Silent and Live Auctions for fly gear and trips

  • Expert Speakers - Including renown author, Steve Schweitzer

  • Lots of fun for kids - Tie a fly, Lawn Trout casting game, live stream bugs!

  • Casting demonstrations & Games

  • RMFTU-branded merchandize for sale




For more Information

Click or Scan to Visit the web page

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Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]

Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]


For the 2024-2025 season we are changing the event to evenings on the First Monday of the month.

This months Pub & Dub will be Monday, Apr 7th at 6:00 PM in the loft area at the rear of the taproom at the Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom, 3500 S. College Ave in Fort Collins.  Come and join us for an evening of socialization, swapping fish stories from your summer and maybe even learning a new pattern. 

“Pub and Dub” is a free event hosted by the Rocky Mountain Flycasters TU Chapter for members and friends to meet, have a beverage and tie flies. Marty Staab will designate a “Fly of the Month”, and the Chapter provides all tying materials (vises and tools as needed) along with video tying instructions on the big screen TV. Tyers of all abilities are welcome, and first time tyers will find themselves surrounded by others happy to assist. 

Please RSVP to Marty (Pub-n-Dub@rmftu.org) before each session, and let him know if you need a loaner vise or tools.

Please thank and support our hosts at Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom by purchasing a beverage.

This Months Pattern: TBD


Instructions: TBD

Video: TBD

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Grey Reef/North Platte River Trip
to Apr 13

Grey Reef/North Platte River Trip

Grey Reef/North Platte River Trip

North Platte River fishing for large/dumb trout for 3 days

Grey Reef/North Platte River fishing for large/dumb trout for 3 days. Leaving Fort Collins early morning Friday April 11th through Sunday April 13th. Rain/Snow or good weather.

We'll be wade/walk fishing various tailwater locations on the North Platte throughout the weekend.

Staying 2 nights at modern cottages behind the Reef Fly Shop in Alcova, Wyoming.

22222 Grey Reef Rd, Alcova, WY

220 to 260 miles, about 3 1/2 hour drive from downtown Fort Collins, (Depending on route.)

Lodging cost is about $140.00 total. License, Carpool and shared food additional cost TBD.

Limit 8 people.

Contact, Ben Zomer 970-631-8306 , benmz@comcast.net to sign up.

Also here is a link to a YouTube video of one of our first trips to Grey Reef:

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River Clean Up & River Appreciation Day

River Clean Up & River Appreciation Day

Help us keep the Poudre River clean and beautiful!

Spend your Saturday morning with CPRW and Odell Brewing Co. for a river cleanup + river appreciation day on April 12, 2025.

Advance registration is required and space is limited. The event will begin and end at Odell Brewing Co. in Fort Collins. Parking is available at Odell Brewing or, even better, ride your bike!

After the river cleanup, stick around at Odell Brewing for River Appreciation Day. Enjoy live music, meet local groups working to protect and conserve natural resources in our watershed, enjoy some food, and create community. This part of the day is also FREE and open to the public - come on by to show your love for the Poudre.

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General Member Gathering 6:30 - 8:30 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] (Note: Location)

General Member Gathering 6:30 - 8:30 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] (Note: Location)

Our Chapter Gathering – Join us in-person!

This meeting will be at the Fort Collins Senior Center in Prairie Sage 1

At our membership meetings we plan to take some time for our newer members to meet other chapter members. And hopefully start developing new friendships and meeting new fishing friends. Join us at 6:30 for socializing, the meeting kicks off at 7:00. We hope you will be there!

This Month’s Speaker

James Parker – Arbor Anglers

Fishing the Big-T

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Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]

Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]


For the 2024-2025 season we are changing the event to evenings on the First Monday of the month.

This months Pub & Dub will be Monday, May 5th at 6:00 PM in the loft area at the rear of the taproom at the Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom, 3500 S. College Ave in Fort Collins.  Come and join us for an evening of socialization, swapping fish stories from your summer and maybe even learning a new pattern. 

“Pub and Dub” is a free event hosted by the Rocky Mountain Flycasters TU Chapter for members and friends to meet, have a beverage and tie flies. Marty Staab will designate a “Fly of the Month”, and the Chapter provides all tying materials (vises and tools as needed) along with video tying instructions on the big screen TV. Tyers of all abilities are welcome, and first time tyers will find themselves surrounded by others happy to assist. 

Please RSVP to Marty (Pub-n-Dub@rmftu.org) before each session, and let him know if you need a loaner vise or tools.

Please thank and support our hosts at Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom by purchasing a beverage.

This Months Pattern: TBD


Instructions: TBD

Video: TBD

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RMF Board Meeting 6:30 – 8:00pm [All Members Welcome]

Interested in learning more about RMFTU or getting involved in a leadership position? Our every other month board meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month and is open to anyone to join. Join us virtually, using this Zoom Link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Source: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95956728820?pwd=ZmwwZklEODJhc0RIalVOTXZ3V3B5QT09

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2025 North Park Spring Cleanup

2025 North Park Spring Cleanup

2025 North Park Spring Cleanup

Photo from a mid-April trip to the area by the Loveland Fishing Club

(Photo by Darrell Knight, LFC)

Join us for one of our first volunteer opportunities of the year as we partner with CPW on a cleanup day in North Park. On Wednesday, May 21st, 2025 we will be partnering with Colorado Parks and Wildlife on their annual large-scale SWA cleanup day in North Park. We will plan on meeting at 9:00 am at the northernmost shade shelter at Lake John SWA, approximate coordinates 40.79324, -106.47307.

We will be focusing primarily on Lake John SWA and Delaney Butte Lakes SWA, cleaning fire pits and picking up trash. We will also send a small group around to clean up several smaller SWAs. After the clean up (with enough people - early afternoon) we will be having a cookout (food TBD) at the Walden Warehouse, 285 Grant Street, Walden, CO. More details to follow. Anyone who wants to come is welcome (family, friends, co-workers, temporaries, randoms, etc.), the more the merrier (and quicker)!

If you want to camp before or after (and have a fishing license or SWA Permit), there is free dispersed camping at Lake John SWA and Delaney Butte SWA.

If you are planning on coming, please sign up so a plan for food can be made.

If you’re interested or have any questions send an e-mail to Louis Moeller at louis.moeller@state.co.us.

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Volunteer Opportunity Meeting 6:30 - 9:00 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] NOTE: Day and Location Change

Volunteer Opportunity Meeting 6:30 - 9:00 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] NOTE: Day and Location Change

Our Chapter Gathering in May will be our Volunteer Opportunity Meeting

At our membership gathering this May (NOTE: this will to be held at SCHEELS) we plan to have a great overview of projects and volunteer opportunities this summer and fall.

Possible speaker, Chris Kennedy will be there to talk about projects in RMNP, and we also hope to have a speaker from the US Forest Service to talk about the Poudre Headwaters Project (PHP), among other things of interest.

In addition to that, we will have breakouts for many other chapter areas such as Conservation, Education (to include Youth Camp), Membership, Events, Stream Temperature monitoring, Leadership, Financial Development, Social Media, our new Casting Club, and our Veterans Services Program. Yes, we have something of interest for almost everyone!

We hope you will attend and see if something grabs your attention! As you know, we are an all-volunteer organization, and need good people like you to help run our chapter.

Join us at 6:30pm for socializing and lots of talk about fishing. The presentation kicks off at 7:00pm.

We hope you will be there!

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RMF Board Meeting 6:30 – 8:00pm [All Members Welcome]

Interested in learning more about RMFTU or getting involved in a leadership position? Our every other month board meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month and is open to anyone to join. Join us virtually, using this Zoom Link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Source: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95956728820?pwd=ZmwwZklEODJhc0RIalVOTXZ3V3B5QT09

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RMF Board Meeting 6:30 – 8:00pm [All Members Welcome]

Interested in learning more about RMFTU or getting involved in a leadership position? Our every other month board meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month and is open to anyone to join. Join us virtually, using this Zoom Link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Source: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95956728820?pwd=ZmwwZklEODJhc0RIalVOTXZ3V3B5QT09

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RMF Board Meeting 6:30 – 8:00pm [All Members Welcome]

Interested in learning more about RMFTU or getting involved in a leadership position? Our every other month board meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month and is open to anyone to join. Join us virtually, using this Zoom Link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Source: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95956728820?pwd=ZmwwZklEODJhc0RIalVOTXZ3V3B5QT09

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RMF Board Meeting 6:30 – 8:00pm [All Members Welcome]

Interested in learning more about RMFTU or getting involved in a leadership position? Our every other month board meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month and is open to anyone to join. Join us virtually, using this Zoom Link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Source: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95956728820?pwd=ZmwwZklEODJhc0RIalVOTXZ3V3B5QT09

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Fundraiser Movie Night: St. Peter's Presents the International Fly Fishing Film Festival

Fundraiser Movie Night: St. Peter's Presents the International Fly Fishing Film Festival

Please join us for a special movie night to benefit the TU Rocky Mountain Flycaster's Youth Camp.

Thursday, March 6th, 7pm

$20* @ Lincoln Center: Magnolia Theater

With spring fishing beginning to get underway, what better time to enjoy an evening of films dedicated to exploring and chasing fish of all species. Join us for a fun filled evening of films, beverages and fishing stories, all for a great cause!

All proceeds from this event will be directly donated

to our local TU chapter, the Rocky Mountain Flycasters, to specifically help fund their 2025 Kid's camp. More properly known as the NoCO Youth Fly Fishing Day Camp, this TU day camp for youth ages 14-17 is an amazing experience and provides a unique resource to get kids into the outdoors and fishing.

*Tickets are $20 (plus service fee) and sales are online only through the Lincoln Center HERE

Discount codes are available in shop at either St. Peter's location. Make any purchase in-store, receive your discount code, buy your ticket, and be entered into the IF4 raffle to win a Free Rocky Mountain National Park guide trip, or other prizes.

Additional raffle tickets can be purchased in-store with ALL proceeds going to the RMFTU Youth Camp.

Let's come together to support our fly fishing youth!

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Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Be Sure to RSVP]

Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Be Sure to RSVP]

Lint Bug

For the 2024-2025 season we are changing the event to evenings on the First Monday of the month.

This months Pub & Dub will be Monday, Mar 3rd at 6:00 PM in the loft area at the rear of the taproom at the Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom, 3500 S. College Ave in Fort Collins.  Come and join us for an evening of socialization, swapping fish stories from your summer and maybe even learning a new pattern. 

Please RSVP to Marty (Pub-n-Dub@rmftu.org) before each session, and let him know if you need a loaner vise or tools.

“Pub and Dub” is a free event hosted by the Rocky Mountain Flycasters TU Chapter for members and friends to meet, have a beverage and tie flies. Marty Staab will designate a “Fly of the Month”, and the Chapter provides all tying materials (vises and tools as needed) along with video tying instructions on the big screen TV. Tyers of all abilities are welcome, and first time tyers will find themselves surrounded by others happy to assist. 

Please thank and support our hosts at Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom by purchasing a beverage.

This Months Pattern: Lint Bug

Lint Bug

Vince Wilcox designed this pattern for Big Thompson browns, matching what he often found in stomach samples. It’s mostly a caddis pattern, but probably gets eaten as a sowbug or blackfly larva, and, you can never go wrong with hare’s ear!

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General Member Gathering 6:30 - 8:30 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] (Watch for Room Directions due to Construction)

General Member Gathering 6:30 - 8:30 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] (Watch for Room Directions due to Construction)


Stream Restoration Project near Lake George

Our Chapter Gathering – Join us in-person!

This meeting will be at the Fort Collins Senior Center in Prairie Sage 1

Due to possible Construction

Watch for signs directing you to the room.

At our membership meetings we plan to take some time for our newer members to meet other chapter members. And hopefully start developing new friendships and meeting new fishing friends. Join us at 6:30 for socializing, the meeting kicks off at 7:00. We hope you will be there!

This Month’s Speaker

Corey Engen, PE President/Owner of FlyWater, Inc.

Corey Engen is a seasoned Professional Engineer with over two decades of experience in the river restoration industry. Corey is one of the two founding partners of FlyWater, inc., established in 2004, and currently holds the position of President. Corey has previously served as a board member for the Poudre River Trust and Colorado Riparian Association, where he also held the position of President. Prior to his association with FlyWater, inc., Corey served as a water resource engineer for Applegate Group, Inc., a professional fly-fishing guide, and a pro staff member of Winston Fly Rods.

This Month’s Fly Swap

Caddis Nymphs

This Month’s Fly Swap: Caddis Nymphs

Contact our Fly Swap coordinator, Dave Morse for details: vetsflyfish@rmftu.org

Tie some flies and swap with some other tyers.

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St. Vrain Fly Tying Expo 2025

St. Vrain Fly Tying Expo 2025

SVATU is excited to bring the our annual Fly Tying Expo to you again. This year features over 20 plus amazing tyers from around the state! A bucket raffle and silent action at the end of the show with proceed supporting St Vrain Anglers TU conservation & education programs.

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Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]

Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]

Higa's SOS

For the 2024-2025 season we are changing the event to evenings on the First Monday of the month.

This months Pub & Dub will be Monday, Feb 3rd at 6:00 PM in the loft area at the rear of the taproom at the Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom, 3500 S. College Ave in Fort Collins.  Come and join us for an evening of socialization, swapping fish stories from your summer and maybe even learning a new pattern. 

“Pub and Dub” is a free event hosted by the Rocky Mountain Flycasters TU Chapter for members and friends to meet, have a beverage and tie flies. Marty Staab will designate a “Fly of the Month”, and the Chapter provides all tying materials (vises and tools as needed) along with video tying instructions on the big screen TV. Tyers of all abilities are welcome, and first time tyers will find themselves surrounded by others happy to assist. 

Please RSVP to Marty (Pub-n-Dub@rmftu.org) before each session, and let him know if you need a loaner vise or tools.

Please thank and support our hosts at Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom by purchasing a beverage.

This Months Pattern: Higa's SOS

Higa's SOS

Many mayfly nymphs get quite dark colored prior to emergence. Here's a combination attractor/ imitation fly to serve as your black mayfly nymph. It's also a good imitation of the black winter stoneflies that get active in late winter.

Instructions: Higa's SOS Tips WEB.pdf

Video: Higa's SOS

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General Member Gathering 6:30 - 8:30 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] (Note: Location)

General Member Gathering 6:30 - 8:30 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] (Note: Location)

Our Chapter Gathering – Join us in-person!

This meeting will be at the Fort Collins Senior Center in Prairie Sage 1

At our membership meetings we plan to take some time for our newer members to meet other chapter members. And hopefully start developing new friendships and meeting new fishing friends. Join us at 6:30 for socializing, the meeting kicks off at 7:00. We hope you will be there!

Bryan Johnson, Hatchery Manager, Mt. Shavano Hatchery

Greenback Restoration

Our speaker will be Bryan Johnson, Hatchery Manager at the Mt. Shavano Hatchery. He'll be speaking about greenback hatchery operations. This should be a great presentation for anyone interested in the restoration of the greenback cutthroats! We'll also be raffling off a rod at this meeting.

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RMF Board Meeting 6:00 – 8:30pm [All Members Welcome]

Interested in learning more about RMFTU or getting involved in a leadership position? Our every other month board meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month and is open to anyone to join. Join us virtually, using this Zoom Link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Source: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95956728820?pwd=ZmwwZklEODJhc0RIalVOTXZ3V3B5QT09

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Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]

Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]

Copper John

For the 2024-2025 season we are changing the event to evenings on the First Monday of the month.

This months Pub & Dub will be Monday, Jan 6th at 6:00 PM in the loft area at the rear of the taproom at the Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom, 3500 S. College Ave in Fort Collins.  Come and join us for an evening of socialization, swapping fish stories from your summer and maybe even learning a new pattern. 

“Pub and Dub” is a free event hosted by the Rocky Mountain Flycasters TU Chapter for members and friends to meet, have a beverage and tie flies. Marty Staab will designate a “Fly of the Month”, and the Chapter provides all tying materials (vises and tools as needed) along with video tying instructions on the big screen TV. Tyers of all abilities are welcome, and first time tyers will find themselves surrounded by others happy to assist. 

Please RSVP to Marty (Pub-n-Dub@rmftu.org) before each session, and let him know if you need a loaner vise or tools.

Please thank and support our hosts at Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom by purchasing a beverage.

This Months Pattern: Copper John

"This month we tie the Copper John. I personally resent this fly. It's so dependable it will make you lazy regarding fly selection, and you will completely abandon any motivation to learn stream entomology. "

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Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Gives Day

Donate to RMFTU via Colorado Gives

- Before December 10 -

December 10, 2024

Donate to Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited (RMFTU) via Colorado Gives

Colorado Gives Day is a statewide movement to increase giving, and unites all Coloradoans in a common goal to strengthen Colorado’s nonprofits by giving to favorite charities online! Again in 2024, you can donate directly to RMFTU through Colorado Gives.

Why Participate?

Donating to RMFTU through Colorado Gives helps raise funds needed to conserve, protect and restore coldwater streams and rivers where trout live — including the Big Thompson, Cache la Poudre, and North Platte Rivers. RMFTU’s signature conservation project is Poudre Headwaters Project, the largest restoration effort of native Greenback Cutthroat Trout in Colorado history. With your generous donation, RMFTU can help save Colorado's state fish and expand important work in conservation and education.

Early giving begins on November 1, and you can schedule your donation. All you have to do is:

  1. Visit: https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/RockyMountainFlycasters

  2. On the RMFTU page, click Donate and make your gift.

  3. Make sure your donation is set to process on December 10, Colorado Gives Day.

  4. Ask your FRIENDS and FAMILY to donate too (before December 10)!

Donate to Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited via Colorado Gives

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RMFTU Holiday Party

RMFTU Holiday Party

RMFTU Holiday Party

Save the Date: RMF Holiday Party Dec 4 th , 6-9 pm

Remember, pre-covid, when we used to have a really fun Holiday party?

Well, let’s re-start that tradition this Dec 4 th , at C.B. & Potts.

Join us for a Holiday party for RMF members and their guests where we will enjoy an Italian buffet: Lasagna or Chicken Parmesan, Caesar salad, garlic bread, and brownies for desert.

*If you require a vegetarian meal, please contact Mark Miller at outreach@rmftu.org.

Fun will include:

Door prizes and a raffle for flies from the Fly Trees (Please bring 4-5 flies to hang on the Fly Trees)

And an Optional White Elephant gift exchange (valued at $0-$20, new or used or goofy) Only one wrapped gift per couple please.

Please, purchase your tickets by November 18th to reserve you spot.

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Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday)

Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday)

WD-40 Flash

For the 2024-2025 season we are changing the event to evenings on the First Monday of the month.

This months Pub & Dub will be Monday, Dec 2nd at 6:00 PM in the loft area at the rear of the taproom at the Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom, 3500 S. College Ave in Fort Collins.  Come and join us for an evening of socialization, swapping fish stories from your summer and maybe even learning a new pattern. 

“Pub and Dub” is a free event hosted by the Rocky Mountain Flycasters TU Chapter for members and friends to meet, have a beverage and tie flies. Marty Staab will designate a “Fly of the Month”, and the Chapter provides all tying materials (vises and tools as needed) along with video tying instructions on the big screen TV. Tyers of all abilities are welcome, and first time tyers will find themselves surrounded by others happy to assist. 

Please RSVP to Marty (Pub-n-Dub@rmftu.org) before each session, and let him know if you need a loaner vise or tools.

Please thank and support our hosts at Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom by purchasing a beverage.

This Months Pattern: WD-40 Flash

The WD 40 is a workhorse, imitating a midge profile yet suggesting baitis or other mayfly nymph. It's scalable - you can tie it in tiny sizes for winter fishing or tailwaters. If you are trying to simplify your flybox, or would like to avoid the headache of fly selection, tie this one in a couple of colors and in #18 to #22, and you are good to go!

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Colorado Gives Day Early Giving Started

Colorado Gives Day Early Giving Started

Donate to RMFTU via Colorado Gives

- Before December 10 -

Early Giving Has Started

Donate to Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited (RMFTU) via Colorado Gives

Colorado Gives Day is a statewide movement to increase giving, and unites all Coloradoans in a common goal to strengthen Colorado’s nonprofits by giving to favorite charities online! Again in 2024, you can donate directly to RMFTU through Colorado Gives.

Why Participate?

Donating to RMFTU through Colorado Gives helps raise funds needed to conserve, protect and restore coldwater streams and rivers where trout live — including the Big Thompson, Cache la Poudre, and North Platte Rivers. RMFTU’s signature conservation project is Poudre Headwaters Project, the largest restoration effort of native Greenback Cutthroat Trout in Colorado history. With your generous donation, RMFTU can help save Colorado's state fish and expand important work in conservation and education.

Early giving begins on November 1, and you can schedule your donation. All you have to do is:

  1. Visit: https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/RockyMountainFlycasters

  2. On the RMFTU page, click Donate and make your gift.

  3. Make sure your donation is set to process on December 10, Colorado Gives Day.

  4. Ask your FRIENDS and FAMILY to donate too (before December 10)!

Donate to Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited via Colorado Gives

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Colorado Gives Day Early Giving Started

Colorado Gives Day Early Giving Started

Donate to RMFTU via Colorado Gives

- Before December 10 -

Early Giving Has Started

Donate to Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited (RMFTU) via Colorado Gives

Colorado Gives Day is a statewide movement to increase giving, and unites all Coloradoans in a common goal to strengthen Colorado’s nonprofits by giving to favorite charities online! Again in 2024, you can donate directly to RMFTU through Colorado Gives.

Why Participate?

Donating to RMFTU through Colorado Gives helps raise funds needed to conserve, protect and restore coldwater streams and rivers where trout live — including the Big Thompson, Cache la Poudre, and North Platte Rivers. RMFTU’s signature conservation project is Poudre Headwaters Project, the largest restoration effort of native Greenback Cutthroat Trout in Colorado history. With your generous donation, RMFTU can help save Colorado's state fish and expand important work in conservation and education.

Early giving begins on November 1, and you can schedule your donation. All you have to do is:

  1. Visit: https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/RockyMountainFlycasters

  2. On the RMFTU page, click Donate and make your gift.

  3. Make sure your donation is set to process on December 10, Colorado Gives Day.

  4. Ask your FRIENDS and FAMILY to donate too (before December 10)!

Donate to Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited (RMFTU) via Colorado Gives

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General Member Gathering 6:30 - 8:30 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] (Note: Location Change)

General Member Gathering 6:30 - 8:30 PM [All Existing and Prospective Members Welcome] (Note: Location Change)

Our Chapter Gathering – Join us in-person!

This meeting will be at the Fort Collins Senior Center in Prairie Sage 1

Our chapter’s November Gathering will be our Annual Business Meeting one important activity will be electing the Board Officers and Directors at Large for the 2025 chapter activities year.

At our membership meetings this year we plan to take some time for our newer members to meet other chapter members. And hopefully start developing new friendships and meeting new fishing friends. Join us at 6:30 for socializing, the meeting kicks off at 7:00. We hope you will be there!

Our speaker for the meeting will be Boyd Wright from CPW. He will be giving us an update on the effort to restore Greenback Cutthroat Trout. This will be a very interesting presentation!

Our attendance at our monthly meetings has been low – we are averaging about 25 people. I’m mentioning this in hopes that some of you may start attending again. Prior to COVID, we used to have 40 - 50 people attend our meetings. We have some good speakers lined up, but it is hardly worth their time to come to Fort Collins to speak to us with such low attendance. So, we hope to see more of you at future meetings. - Mark Miller

November Chapter Gathering Fly Swap

The fly for the November Chapter Gathering Fly Swap is a fall favorite: The Blue WingedOlive (BWO)/Baetis fly. Chose to tie either a BWO dry fly or a Baetis nymph (size 18 or 20). These little flies work well during prolific hatches in the October/November timeframe.

Please let Dave Morse know, using the email link button below, if you would like to tie a fly for the swap. If you signed up at the October meeting, you're all set. As usual, tie enough copies of your fly so everyone will get one of yours. In return, you will get one from each other tier. Include a little recipe or toe tag attached to your fly with details of what materials were used. Submit your flies at the start of the November meeting and they will be sorted for all participants. We typically have 6 to 8 participants, but Dave Morse will let you know the right number a week before the meeting.

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RMFTU Holiday Party Ticket Deadline

RMFTU Holiday Party Ticket Deadline

RMFTU Holiday Party

Ticket Purchase Deadline

Save the Date: RMF Holiday Party Dec 4 th , 6-9 pm

Remember, pre-covid, when we used to have a really fun Holiday party?

Well, let’s re-start that tradition this Dec 4 th , at C.B. & Potts.

Join us for a Holiday party for RMF members and their guests where we will enjoy an Italian buffet: Lasagna or Chicken Parmesan, Caesar salad, garlic bread, and brownies for desert.

*If you require a vegetarian meal, please contact Mark Miller at outreach@rmftu.org.

Fun will include:

Door prizes and a raffle for flies from the Fly Trees (Please bring 4-5 flies to hang on the Fly Trees)

And an Optional White Elephant gift exchange (valued at $0-$20, new or used or goofy) Only one wrapped gift per couple please.

Please, purchase your tickets by November 18th to reserve you spot.

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RMF Board Meeting 6:00 – 8:30pm [All Members Welcome]

Interested in learning more about RMFTU or getting involved in a leadership position? Our monthly board meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month and is open to anyone to join. Join us virtually, using this Zoom Link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Source: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95956728820?pwd=ZmwwZklEODJhc0RIalVOTXZ3V3B5QT09

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Colorado Gives Day Early Giving Started

Colorado Gives Day Early Giving Started

Donate to RMFTU via Colorado Gives

- Before December 10 -

Early Giving Has Started

Donate to Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited (RMFTU) via Colorado Gives

Colorado Gives Day is a statewide movement to increase giving, and unites all Coloradoans in a common goal to strengthen Colorado’s nonprofits by giving to favorite charities online! Again in 2024, you can donate directly to RMFTU through Colorado Gives.

Why Participate?

Donating to RMFTU through Colorado Gives helps raise funds needed to conserve, protect and restore coldwater streams and rivers where trout live — including the Big Thompson, Cache la Poudre, and North Platte Rivers. RMFTU’s signature conservation project is Poudre Headwaters Project, the largest restoration effort of native Greenback Cutthroat Trout in Colorado history. With your generous donation, RMFTU can help save Colorado's state fish and expand important work in conservation and education.

Early giving begins on November 1, and you can schedule your donation. All you have to do is:

  1. Visit: https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/RockyMountainFlycasters

  2. On the RMFTU page, click Donate and make your gift.

  3. Make sure your donation is set to process on December 10, Colorado Gives Day.

  4. Ask your FRIENDS and FAMILY to donate too (before December 10)!

Donate to Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited via Colorado Gives

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Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]

Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Monday) [Note Day Change]

GT Triple Double

(Gordon Tharett)

For the 2024-2025 season we are changing the event to evenings on the First Monday of the month.

This months Pub & Dub will be Monday, Nov 4th at 6:00 PM in the loft area at the rear of the taproom at the Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom, 3500 S. College Ave in Fort Collins.  Come and join us for an evening of socialization, swapping fish stories from your summer and maybe even learning a new pattern. 

“Pub and Dub” is a free event hosted by the Rocky Mountain Flycasters TU Chapter for members and friends to meet, have a beverage and tie flies. Marty Staab will designate a “Fly of the Month”, and the Chapter provides all tying materials (vises and tools as needed) along with video tying instructions on the big screen TV. Tyers of all abilities are welcome, and first time tyers will find themselves surrounded by others happy to assist. 

Please RSVP to Marty (Pub-n-Dub@rmftu.org) before each session, and let him know if you need a loaner vise or tools.

Please thank and support our hosts at Gilded Goat Brewery and Taproom by purchasing a beverage.

This Months Pattern: GT Triple Double (Gordon Tharett)

It’s part ant, part midge cluster, and part attractor, originally a local favorite on the Green River in Utah. Leave it bushy for choppy water, or trim the bottom hackle to make it a low rider that displays the abdomen/segments in the surface film for picky fish in smooth water.

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