Cache La Poudre Conservation
Volunteers rally to begin the recovery of the Cache la Poudre River fishery
FORT COLLINS, Colo – A year after a catastrophic debris flow decimated over 20 miles of the Cache la Poudre River fishery, 24 volunteers joined Colorado Parks and Wildlife biologists to begin the painstaking process of rebuilding fish populations.
[VIDEO] Watch CPW and volunteers stock fish in the Cache la Poudre River
Learn more about CPW’s history as fishery and aquatic management leaders:
Joey Livingston
Statewide Public Information Officer
303-345-4658 / joseph.livingston@state.co.us
Coalition for the Poudre Watershed
In the summer of 2012, the High Park and Hewlett Gulch wildfires burned almost 90,000 acres of the Poudre Watershed. About two weeks after the High Park Fire ignited, two Rocky Mountain Flycasters members conversed about the tremendous impacts the Poudre Watershed was beginning to realize. That small conversation led us to larger conversations among four other concerned local organizations and, the High Park Fire Restoration Coalition (HPFRC) was born. The scale and intensity of the wildfires brought people from local water utilities, natural resource agencies, local non-profits, and businesses together to plan and prioritize post fire restoration needs. As a more fluid and dynamic organization was needed to address watershed concerns the HPFRC eventually formalized and became a 501c(3) called the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed (CPRW) in 2013. CPRW works across the entire Poudre watershed from headwaters to the confluence with the South Platte River on issues relating to rivers, forest resilience and wildfire mitigation. Just as we were active in its formation, Rocky Mountain Flycasters leadership continues to serve on the Board of Directors of CPRW. For more information please visit our good friends at: www.poudrewatershed.org