Northern Integrated Supply Project (Northern Water)

The Northern Integrated Supply Project (NISP) is a large, off-channel water storage and delivery project proposed by Northern Water.  As this project will impact the Cache La Poudre River, Rocky Mountain Flycasters has been involved in review and comment regarding this project since its initial filing.  Specific to our mission as a coldwater conservation organization and recognizing there are no clear, distinct definitions that delineate where coldwater streams become transition zones and ultimately warm water streams, we have purposely elected to limit our scope of review to the section of the river we define as  coldwater. That section, for purposes of reviewing NISP documentation and submittals is located between the proposed point of diversion (existing Poudre Valley Canal) and the Shields Street Bridge in Fort Collins.

As part of the ongoing review process for NISP, Rocky Mountain Flycasters and Colorado Trout Unlimited endorsed the proposed Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Enhancement Plan (FWMEP) before the Colorado Wildlife Commission.  The plan was subsequently approved by the Colorado Water Conservation Board and the Governor’s office.  Embedded within the FWMEP is an Adaptive Management process and establishment of a functional committee to facilitate the Adaptive Management process.  Adaptive Management is designed to address issues and needs as they arise and forecast potential issues and needs before they arise, thus allowing time to develop remediation plans to prevent those forecasts from becoming reality. Rocky Mountain Flycasters is currently a member of the Adaptive Management Committee and plans to retain its membership throughout the lifetime of the Adaptive Management process.  Within our mission focus, our purpose all along has been to work towards providing opportunity to maintain a heathy, sustainable coldwater fishery.  It is our belief the approved FWMEP can provide the opportunity to realize that singular goal. 

While we have endorsed the FWMEP, we recognize if the project is approved and built, other impacts to the river will be created.  Therefore, we have not endorsed the overall NISP application.  Trout Unlimited has a rich history of working collaboratively with water owners and managers on various projects throughout the Country. We believe our approach is always sound, well-reasoned and fair for all parties involved. If the project is approved and built, we plan to remain engaged with Northern Water through the Adaptive Management process to help ensure outcomes are the best possible.