Halligan Water Supply Project

The City of Fort Collins is proposing to increase the current capacity of Halligan Reservoir, located roughly 25 miles northwest of Fort Collins on the North Forth of the Poudre River, by approximately 8,100 acre-feet. The public review of this project has recently begun. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was released in late 2019. Rocky Mountain Flycasters/ Colorado TU have reviewed the DEIS and we filed our comments to the Army Corp of Engineers by the deadline. We will keep our readers up to date as this project continues to work its way through the review process. For detailed information regarding the expansion project please visit Halligan Water Supply Project page.

To view filed comments submitted by Rocky Mountain Flycasters and Colorado TU for each phase of the Halligan application process, please see: RMF/ Colorado TU Draft Environmental Impact Statement