Get Involved

Rocky Mountain Flycasters Trout Unlimited needs your help. Please join us to conserve, restore and protect the coldwater fisheries of Northern Colorado.

Upcoming Events

RMFTU Trout Fishing Expo 

Saturday, March 11, 2023, 11am – 4pm 

Northside Aztlan Community Center in Fort Collins

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Headwaters Project

The Poudre Headwaters Project is the cornerstone conservation project of Rocky Mountain Flycasters. For many years, the chapter has been involved in ongoing native trout restoration efforts in the Cache la Poudre watershed including the North Fork of the Poudre and the headwater tributaries of the Poudre River near Rocky Mountain National Park. We are honored to be a collaborator in the Poudre Headwaters Project (PHP), which is the largest restoration effort of Greenback Cutthroat Trout in the history of Colorado.

The Flypaper Newsletter

The Flypaper is the monthly Rocky Mountain Flycasters Newsletter. This digital newsletter provides all the latest goings-on related to coldwater conservation, fly fishing activities and local volunteer opportunities. Click the button below to view past issues or add your email below and click SUBSCRIBE NOW to receive the monthly newsletter.