RMFTU Casting Pond Fun
Every Tuesday, Fossil Creek Park at 6:00 PM
RMFTU Flycasters, Spincasters, and Baitcasters,
RMFTU will hold its first Informal Casting Gathering on Tuesdays starting, May 21st, from 6-8 pm, at our casting location at Fossil Creek Park Oval Pavilion 5821 S Lemay Ave., Fort Collins. We hope you can join in on the fun!
Bob Molzhan, Ron Hanser, and Mark Miller, of Rocky Mountain Flycasters-Trout Unlimited chapter, installed the targets on May 16th. The casting targets will be there until October, so have fun with it.
The Rocky Mountain Flycasters, Colorado's only American Casting Association club member, has installed nine ACA 30" official casting targets at Fossil Creek Reservoir, Fort Collins.
The casting course is open to the public. Great place to practice, compete, and teach folks to cast.
Remember, no hooks allowed on flies and plugs. Hooks will snag the targets and really mess things up. So use any large dry fly - just snip off the hook at the hook bend and you are good to go.
We practice and compete on Tuesdays - early evenings, around 6 pm, for anyone interested. Please join us for some fun and camaraderie.
If we are lucky, we might get some TU friends from other chapters to compete with us, and follow it up with a burger burn sometime this summer. Help us get the word out to your fishy friends!
Everyone should also bring your own folding chairs, water and any snacks you might want.
Most of us, like myself (Mark Miller), are not great casters, but I will still be there to join in on the fun and improve our casting in the process. So please don’t feel like you have to be a superb caster to join in.
If you know someone who would like to try it, please invite them also. They don’t have to be members to participate.
The oval is a huge expanse of grass, so perfect if the young ones want to kick a soccer ball or play catch while Mom and Dad are casting. This will be fun for the entire family. It’s a big pond, and fishing for small bass is also available for everyone, (with a license).
This is an effort to organize an informal, fun event for all of our chapter members, and your friends, so we hope you can participate. Join us, meet new chapter members, and have a fun evening with Rocky Mountain Flycasters.