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Yellowstone National Park [TRIP FULL]

Aug 22-28 – Yellowstone National Park – Paul Bunker [TRIP IS FULL ]

Large to small rivers, creeks and stillwaters.  We will carpool from Ft Collins on Sunday Aug 22 to Canyon Camping area (about 9 hours, buffalo/idiot jams dependent).  Three tent sites are available, each with a 10x10 tent and with up to 2 people per site.  Waters to fish will be determined by host depending on flows and water conditions.  Hopefully, there will be 2 trips to the NE corner (Lamar River, Slough and Soda Butte Creeks, Trout Lake).  We will also hopefully fish the Firehole, Madison, Gibbon and Yellowstone Rivers, and hike into Goose and Grebe Lakes, and discover Carl’s Pond.  One free day to fish and explore on your own.  More details to follow.

For more info contact: Paul Bunker at 

August 21

Poudre RiverFest

September 2

Pub & Dub Fly Tying Social (Monthly on First Thursday)