Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Leadership Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2019

Attendees - Mickey McGuire*, Ron Dickson*, Dennis Cook, Paul Wehr, Dave Beede, Lindsey Reynolds, Dave Haeusler, Wil Huett*, Dave Morse, Ryan Hogan*, Rick Musselmann, Frank Bub*, Jeannie Weaver
(*board members - quorum present)

Called to order at: 6:10 PM

  1. President’s Report

    (posted in the Board Meeting Folder)

    1. Mickey Introduced Dave Haeusler as a visitor to the board meeting. Dave provided a brief synopsis of his background. 

    2. Mickey also reported that Shayna Jones resigned from the BTWC Director position to take a job with Larimer County Natural Resources. Courtney Gutman will fill the position. 

    3. Mickey has created a new Financial Development Committee (Bryan Hoag as Chair) and a Website Redevelopment Committee (Mickey as chair). 

  2. Board Business

    1. Consent Items

      1. Mickey requested to pull the Financial Report from the Consent Agenda

        1. Budget discussion - ryan

        2. 2019 status overview

        3. The Board approved to add $400 to make Pub and Dub whole

        4. Jan 1 next event - Gilded Goat OK with this

        5. Moved $400 into adult education fund to cover Jan-Mar (Wil / Frank)

      2. Consent agenda then passed.

    2. Halligan draft Environmental Impact Summary (EIS)

      1. Fort Collins water needs water

      2. Propose to raise the Halligan dam 25 ft

      3. CTU and RMF will draft a response

      4. Will ask Dr. Ashley Rust - School of Mines to review the EIS with grad student

        1. CTU and RMF to split the cost. RMF will use $$ from the conservation budget - cover her not to exceed $1000

        2. Will also ask Danny White to make comments, If needed RMF will fund his comment time

        3. Motion made and passed to reallocate conservation funds of up to $1000 to cover Halligan reservoir EIS study by Dr. Rust (Wil/Frank).

        4. Ron will decide where $$ to come from.

  3. New Business

    1. Mickey introduced the new Youth Chair - Dave Haeusler

    2. 2020 Budget Kickoff - Ryan

      1. Committee chairs will be responsible for their budget

      2. Estimate income and expenses

      3. Tell Ryan if you are going for a grant. If so, what are restrictions? Who? What? How long? What use intended?

      4. Ryan is changing the accounting system to better account for fund applications

        1. Wants to make more detailed - track in to out

        2. Carryovers will be passed on to next year in a separate spreadsheet

      5. Committee chairs submit requirements to Ryan

        1. Add reasoning to consent agenda - board review

        2. Start JAN - first draft FEB - approve in MAR - FY starts 1 APR

      6. Discussion of unrestricted versus restricted funds

        1. General fund - spend wherever needed

        2. Restricted - raffle, conservation, youth upon request by donor

    3. Discussion of Bylaws - Mickey

      1. Old bylaws - tried to amend - committee of Wil, Colin, Mickey

      2. TU bylaws found and quite a bit easier

      3. Leadership members were asked to look at newest version (on Google Drive) prior to the meeting

      4. Discussion - limit to 15 min (was longer!)

        1. Ryan and Mickey will edit in response to discussion

        2. 2-year terms for positions? Staggered ro retain continuity? Plan it to stagger directors at large.

        3. Schedule changes - annual business meeting will be held in NOV & guest night OCT

          1. New board then has input to next fiscal year budget

          2. DEC - “training meeting” for board and JAN - take office

        4. Discussion of committees / delineation of chairs continues

          1. Youth break out suggested

          2. Leadership - send Mickey, Wil, Colin committee suggestions.
            Trying to reduce number 

          3. President appoints chair - with board input

          4. Once committees set, chairs set up their procedures

    4. Volunteer Fair Committee - tabled

  4. Old Business

    1. Scholarship program - Leadership asked to provide comments to Mickey on calling it “The Linda Jeffries Memorial RMF Scholarship.” Overall consensus that this is a good idea.

    2. Expo (FEB 19) Colin getting the committee together.

      1. Developing letter for donations.

      2. Leadership asked to find some good raffle items - Restaurant cards. Trips, etc.

    3. Fishing pier sign meeting held yesterday

      1. Location approved by USFS / CDOT

      2. Plan for March install, April dedication

  5. Meetings/Events

    1. Holiday Party - December 13 6:30 PM

    2. January 1 Fly tying 1:00 PM

    3. January 25 - Live Involved 10 am to 2 pm; FC Senior Center: The City of Fort Collins Recreation department, in partnership with AARP, Volunteers of America,and the Larimer County Office of Colorado State University Extension, would like you to join us as an interactive booth member at our spectacular event (we are registered)

    4. February 21 - F3T Table Lincoln Center. We have permission to set up a raffle.

    5. February 28 Poudre River Forum, Embassy Suites, Loveland

    6. March 5 - CTU Gala

    7. April: RMF Volunteer Orientation

    8. April 24-26 - Rendezvous

  6. Additional Agenda Item

    Wil received a call from a former part time guide, Greg Osborne. He owns land beside CYO ponds and is building something- restaurant, ponds. Wants people to establish program, donations, classes. Could CSU use as research ponds? Leadership decided to keep an eye on progress; may be some opportunities.

Adjourned at 8:07 PM.

Approved January 8, 2020

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