Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Leadership Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2019

Location: The Group, Inc., Harmony Road
Attendees: Mickey McGuire*, Colin Glover*, Ryan Hogan*, Ruthie Katola*, Wil Heuett*, Frank Bub* (minutes), Ron Dickson*, Dave Morse, Lindsey Reynolds, Dave Beede, Dave Piske, Brian Hoag, Lee Evans, Phil Wright, Jeannie Weaver.
(* trustees - quorum present).

Called to order at 6:01 PM

  1. President’s comments

    1. Introduced Jeannie Weaver—new raffle coordinator

    2. President reported on 2 Northern Water meetings.

      1. CDPHE regulates water temperature in streams/lakes. CPW is finding breeding brown trout downstream of Shields Avenue dividing line. If further downstream, the issue is that water treatment plants must change their ways. CPW may change boundary for trout in coming year.

      2. Adaptive Management for Glade Reservoir. Chapter neutral on whether but on team for wildlife mitigation. Ron attended.

  2. Board Business

    1. Consent agenda. Mickey to pull treasury report. Thanks to Lindsey for CSU report.

      1. Ryan budget discussion. Previous approach with Quickbooks not really designed for non-profits as can‘t easily report on restricted funds or perform quarterly detailed reconciliation. Thus is not useful as can‘t easily tell donors information on how their restrictions are applied. Got a “how to” book for non-profits to learn how to create reports with less manual intervention. Donations now being put in a class called “temporary restricted funds” which can then be matched with donors‘ expressed purposes. Mickey asked where are the financial documents. Ryan‘s home computer. He will move to “Treasurer Notes” on RMF Google Drive. Suggested to backup monthly to RMF Google Drive.

      2. Linda Jeffries donations split between conservation and youth. About $2300.

      3. Consent agenda approved.

    2. Budget request for $79 for Constant Contact was approved.

    3. Colorado Gives Day - are we giving? Can go to website and designate RMF as a non-profit recipient. There are opportunities for matching funds. Need to register as a recipient before December 6th. Colin will check whether we can do it.

    New Business

    1. Bylaws review. Board has spent a lot of time working on the review.

      1. Mickey wants leadership team to weigh in. In particular, we need to make sure we agree on the revised Section VI on committees.

      2. Board made some changes.

        1. Removed immediate past president (IPP) from board. Why - long commitment, a lot of work, new president changing things, frees up past president.

        2. Created 3rd trustee at large. Could be IPP.

        3. Wil suggested committee structure follow TU reporting guidelines in accordance with their “chapter effectiveness index (CEI).” Mickey has checked RMF CEI— we are always 97 or so. National approach for logging volunteer hours will be changing. 
          Suggested reporting volunteer hours by TU type buckets—3 conservation, 5 engagement, etc. RMF using VMS as logging system.
          Ryan: logging not very exact since reporting is loose and people don‘t report properly. 
          Ron: it should be committee chairs that do the reporting, not the workers. 
          Wil: use standard categories from TU to relate to others.

        4. Mickey mentioned concept of policy governance—separating board and committee and document under each function.

        5. Lee: questioned term limiting treasurer and suggested no limit. Mickey reported that TU National limits Chapter Treasurer tenures to no more than 5 consecutive years. Ryan suggested RMF engage a bookkeeper which treasurer then oversees. This makes job less difficult as he does not need to keep all records. Also this will help with audit. And provides for succession. Wil reminded us that donors want that sort of info.

        6. Board elections changed to the fall so new board can manage next year‘s budget, which is now due in April.

    2. Lee reported on liaison with senior center (SC). Person who schedules new and not at SC. Catering company (Black Tie) wants to sell alcohol. So no beer at guest night. Also no popcorn by SC. MIckey will contact Black Tie. Recommend coolers with soft drinks.

    3. Mickey handed out flyers for guest night. It was suggested we make sure on Facebook, other outlets. Mickey sending out PDF of flyer.

    4. Expo (Lee). February 19. 5:30-9:00. Senior Center reserved. Same as past years. Need to:

      1. coordinate food for ?150? plus 20 tiers,

      2. raffle,

      3. live auction.

      Lee will contact fly tiers. Need stuff for raffles, silent auctions, special stuff for live auction. Mickey looking for volunteer to run committee. Volunteers - Brian, Lee, Colin (chair), Jeannie, Frank. Committee asked to to get donations.

    5. Poudre River Forum. Invitation to sponsor / $500 allocated. Host display. Poudre Pioneer Award nominations to Mickey.

  3. Old Business

    1. Frank reported that the Big Thompson Fishing Pier sign was done and on display at the meeting. Need to meet with Forest Service to find final position and to install it.

    2. Raffle Items. Frank - will negotiate 3 rods from Scheels and use their gift certificates for 2 raffles. Dave Piske will donate a rod he won. In kind donation email to treasurer.

    3. Mark Miller wants to have more hosts for fishing trips. Mickey will mention at general meeting.

    4. Ron suggested we need a planning calendar. We all need to know what is happening, who is involved, etc. Two calendars are suggested—outfacing and internal (shared on the Google Drive?)

  4. Meetings/Events

    1. Holiday Party. Friday, December 13. CB Potts on Horsetooth. $15 pp on line / $20 at door. White elephant-- bring one gift/couple. Heavy Hors d'oeuvres. About same charges as previous years-- cost to be ~$500 from chapter. Bring 6 flies for 2 fly trees to raffle. Also raffle a rod. Cash bar. No Senior Center meeting 3rd Wednesday in December.

    2. January 25 - Live Involvement - Jeannie and Ron volunteered to head

    3. February 28 - Poudre River Forum. See above.

    4. CTU Gala - March 5. $1000 table of 10 for RMF. Big show.

    5. April 25 - RMF Volunteer orientation meeting. Location and plan to be determined.

    6. April 24-25. CTU Rendezvous. Glenwood Springs. See CTU message on Google Drive. See list of possible topics.

Adjourned at 7:50 PM

Submitted by Frank Bub, Secretary
Approved December 11, 2019

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