Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Leadership Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2019 

The Group Inc Real Estate Building, 2803 E Harmony Rd, Fort Collins.
Present: Mickey McGuire*, Colin Glover*, Frank Bub* (minutes), Dave Piske, Ron Dickson*, Paul Wehr, Ruthie Ketola*, Wil Huett*, Ryan Hogan*, Guests: Brian Werner and Christine Coleman of Northern Water
(*trustees – a quorum was present).

Meeting called to order by the president at 6:08 PM.

  1. President’s comments and Introductions

    1. Guest Speakers: Brian Werner (Northern Water Public Relations) and Christine Coleman (NISP mitigation) led a discussion on Northern Water and the Northern integrated Supply Project (NISP). The discussion centered on the wildlife mitigation plan and the RMF mission.
      The leadership discussed the possibility of having these NISP representatives speak at a general RMF meeting. It was suggested that the meeting might include short presentations on NSIP and Chimney Hollow and upgrades to Seaman and Halligan Reservoirs. If this were to happen, it was suggested that the talks focus on how the work would impact the fisheries and other RMF mission areas and not discuss the controversy surrounding these projects. See for links to the handouts

    2. President’s comments – posted on Google Drive

  2. Board Business

    1. Consent Agenda

      1. Discussion followed regarding “pulling” the conservation report for changes. The concept for these reports is that the leadership would read them before the meeting and vote to accept them as is unless there is an item to be discussed.

      2. In this case, it was thought that some items in the conservation report should be discussed further.

      3. Once resolved, the consent reports were accepted

    2. Financial Development Policy Discussion: Ryan

      1. Ryan reported on three documents prepared by the Financial Development Committee. The first was a Policy Statement regarding the committee membership and activity. The Board approved this document with small revisions.

      2. The second was a summary of Guidelines for Accepting Charitable Gifts (GAC). After discussion, Ryan was to go back to the committee to resolve some questions. Acceptance was tabled, pending resolution. A revised version will be sent to the Board for review and vote by email.

      3. The third was the committee’s check sheet for the RMF Fundraising Plan.

      4. These documents are filed in a Board-only Google folder.

      5. The excellent work by this committee was acknowledged.

  3. New Business

    1. Stream Girls – Ruthie asked for RMF mentor support for a Stream Girls event on October 12 at Gateway Park. These are Girl Scouts that would be awarded a fishing merit badge for participation in the training. RMF members are asked to be mentors.

    2. New vacancies- Dennis and Wil
      The following leadership positions are open, or soon to be so: Youth Chair, Communications Outreach, Trout in the Classroom. Please submit your interest or nominees to Dennis Cook or Wil Huett.

  4. Old Business

    1. Update on Picnic - Colin
      Colin reported on plans for the First Annual RMF Family Picnic. He has negotiated a BBQ at Mishawaka on Sunday, October 6. They would cater meals, set up a cash bar, and allow Poudre River fishing on their property. The board approved a RMF budget of $1,000 and set prices at $10 for adults, $5 for kids.

    2. Big Thompson Watershed Coalition News
      The board suggested BTWC and CPRW reports be moved to the consent agenda.

      1. Board position - Mickey
        RMF Membership on the BTWC Board. Dave Piske has been our representative for many years, but he has asked that another RMF member replace him as BTWC Board Member as soon as possible. His term expires in September, 2020. Mickey has agreed to take his place starting in January 2020 and BTWC has approved the proposed change.

      2. Update on Pier Path – Mickey
        Mickey reported on the final preparations for the Fishing Pier and its Access Path. Both the pier and its path have been completed as of August 19. BTWC is working on dedication plans for the end of September.

      3. Pier signage - Frank
        Frank reported on the Learning Station Sign for the fishing pier. The USFS interpretive designers have completed the sign. Frank received a quote from Fossil, Inc. of $1,610 to build a weather- and graffiti-proof sign and its pedestal and the expenditure was approved. The quote and deposit were forwarded to Fossil on August 19. In the next week we expect a proof that will be sent to the USFS and forward to RMF. Once accepted, the sign should be completed and forwarded to Frank in early September. Upon its arrival, a meeting with RMF, BTWC and the USFS is needed to select its location. After that, RMF volunteers will be asked to help dig footing holes and install the sign.

      4. Table at their fund raiser (10 seats)? Sept 22
        The BTWC is planning a fundraising dinner on September 22 and asked RMF if we wanted a table for 10 at $1,000. The board instructed Mickey to proceed and suggested RMF members who volunteer multiple times be invited.

    3. CSU student program - Mickey
      A short discussion on the CSU Intern Program followed. Mickey reminded the board that this is not an employment program—we are helping a fishery-related student financially and exposing him/her to TU and our conservation efforts. A checklist of things the recipient might learn about RMF was suggested. We also discussed a policy for requests for funding. It was noted that CSU graduate students have been supported for a number of years through the Benke Fellowship.

  5. Meetings/Events

    1. Summer Farmer and Odell - August 18 (not confirmed)
      No action planned for the Summer Farmer/Odell event on August 17.

    2. Rist Valley Canyon Festival - Sept 7 - Dave Morse
      Dave Morse is taking care of the Rist Valley Canyon festival on September 7.

    3. Scheels Fall Fly Fishing Event - Sept 7 - Frank
      Frank will represent RMF at the Scheels Fall Fly Festival, also on September 7.

Learning Station sign for the Big Thompson. You may click on the image to see a larger version in a new window.

The meeting adjourned about 9:15 PM.

Submitted by Frank Bub, Secretary
Approved September 11, 2019

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