Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Leadership Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2019

The Group Inc Real Estate, 2803 E Harmony Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80528, 6:30 PM
Present: Mickey McGuire*, Colin Glover*, Frank Bub*, Ryan Hogan*, Ruthie Ketola*, Wil Huettt*, Dave Piske, Dennis Cook, Rick Musselmann, Dave Beedy, Dave Morse, Lindsey Roberts (intern), Phil Wright (*board members - a quorum was present.)

Called to Order at 6:08 PM

  1. President’s comments and Introductions

    President’s Report - see document

    1. Colin will manage monthly general meeting guest invitations.

    2. A replacement for the Games (Raffle) Manager will be sought.

  2. Board Business

    1. Consent Agenda- accepted without revisions/ comment.

    2. Summary from Board retreat Mickey reported on the Board Retreat on June 30.

      1. Agreed to review and revise the Bylaws.

      2. Agreed to review the Strategic Plan.

      3. Agreed to review and update position and job descriptions. Vice President position description needs to be written (Colin).

      4. Board agreed to ensure we speak with “One Voice,” particularly on:

        1. NISP

        2. Halligan Dam expansion

        3. Seaman Dam expansion

        4. Greenback Trout restoration

      5. Ruthie agreed to work on improving RMF diversity

      6. The relationship with CSU was discussed. This included the internship/ scholarship program.

      7. Ron Dickson and others are working on a plan to improve communications.

      8. A schedule for the development of an annual Action Plan was laid out. We would solicit inputs in September. The plan would need to be linked to financial/ budget planning. A good Action Plan is critical for fundraising.The intention is to solidify the plan for the November Leadership meeting (see below).

      9. Updates to the Leadership Notebook are needed (see agreed-upon items above). These revisions need to be finalized before the RMF May business meeting.

      10. The monthly leadership meeting will start on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM.

      11. Off-agenda items are discouraged. Leadership is asked to put this information in the Consent Reports or submit agenda items to the president (Mickey) and Secretary (Frank). The Board is expected to read and be familiar with these reports before the meeting.

      12. Mickey proposed to reformat the Board meetings to concentrate on higher level/ policy items. After some discussion, a modified approach as agreed upon.

        1. The committee leads/ membership would be expected to handle their tasks and report to the Board via the Consent Reports.

        2. Four Board meetings will have a restricted agenda and focus. These would be (1) February - the Budget discussion in preparation for the March submission, (2&3) May and August - discussions of the Strategic Plan, Bylaws, and Charter, and (4) November - the Action Plan.

      13. We agreed to reinstate a fly tying demonstration at 6:15 before the General Meetings. Frank will manage.

      14. Venues for the general meetings at other than the Fort Collins Senior Center were discussed. The board is investigating alternatives.

      15. A summer picnic for RMF members, families, and sponsors/ donors in August was discussed. Further investigation is underway.

  3. New Business

    1. Financial Development Work Group - - Ryan and Mickey
      Ryan reported on the Financial Policy Development Workshop

      1. The group had their first meeting this week. Ryan was encouraged by the prospects

      2. Membership - Ryan Hogan, Ron Hanser, Ken WIlliams, Brian Hoag, Bill Gedge, Mickey McGuire (ex oficio)

      3. Members were developing plans for policies and procedures and expect to be able to report out by September.

      4. The approach will be aimed to support the conservation goals of TU and RMF. A grand project might be to find funds for the construction of fish passages.

      5. Colorado TU does not have this kind of financial vision but endorsed the RMF effort and showed interest in what we came up with.

    2. Update on new corporate partners - Colin

      1. The support by others will be modeled after that received from Cargill.

      2. He has talked to Otterbox. They have an “Otter Gives” program that grants their “Otterss” 24 hours of volunteer time. Colin and Ryan (a former “Otter“) will continue to pursue.

      3. Hach in Loveland also has an employee volunteer program. They are interested in helping with the Big Thompson Pier project (see below).

    3. Phil asked about an update to the Organization Chart. Ron Dickson has been doing this.

    4. Communication with Chapter during the summer (e.g., blasts)

  4. Old Business

    1. Colin reported on the Coalition for the Pouder River Watershed (CPRW).

      1. They have started their Citizen Scientist Stream Monitoring project and are sending out teams on July 15, August 19, September 16, and October 14.

        1. These are essentially test cases for a program that will expand next year.

        2. The main objective is to observe the impacts of prescribed fires.

      2. The Forest Service is looking for area private landowners who would like to have free forest/undergrowth thinning or prescribed burns. They have exceeded their goals.

    2. Mickey reported on the weekly summer blast to RMF membership. Board and Committee chairs are asked to submit SHORT info blurbs to Mickey by Wednesday evening. He will edit and send on the Bob Green for a Friday dissemination.

    3. Mickey reported on the Big Thompson Pier Project.

      1. Dick Jeffries is in the final stages of setting up the plans and gathering materials for improving the path to the pier.

      2. When the stuff is in place, he estimated 4-5 days of rock moving, paver placement, and the spreading of ground granite.

      3. This is expected to occur the week of August 5 after the Youth Camp.

      4. Cargill will be given first choice for volunteer days. O’Dell and Hach have also expressed interest.

      5. Alpine Anglers (Estes Park TU Chapter) would also like to help. They were instrumental in building the first fish pier.

    4. Dave Morse gave a brief report on the Platte Rivers Veteran Fly Fishing (PRVFF) Honor Float to the San Juan RIver over the 4th of July weekend. 20 Disabled Korean and Vietnam War Vets floated and fished the river with 10 mentors. It was a big success with escorts, exceptional accommodations, camaraderie, and some good fishing.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM.

Submitted by Frank Bub, Secretary
Approved August 14, 2019
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