Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Leadership Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2019

The Group Inc Real Estate, 2803 E Harmony Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80528, 6:30 PM
In attendance: Mickey McGuire, Phil Wright, Dave Piske, Wil Huett, Ron Dickson, Dave Morse, Frank Bub, Ruth Ketola (minutes), Rick Musselman, Paul Wehr, Dennis Cook, Ryan Hogan.
A quorum is present.

  1. Welcome and meeting is called to order at 6:38

    Mickey- there are no guests

  2. President’s comments

    Mickey-see document- we brainstormed ideas related to Mickey’s concern about the lack of volunteers at our events. Ryan- suggested using gamification; Rick-recognition at meetings; Paul- FaceBook posts; Frank-serve lunch at events; Mickey- email blasts every 2 weeks to include the newsletter and then one more; Ron- increase use of social media.
    Action: Form a communications committee to explore use of social media and other ways to increase member and non member participation. Ron and Colin will head this up.

  3. Board Business

    1. Resignation of Coy Wylie - Wil becomes Immediate Past President

    2. Consent Agenda- Approved.

    3. Pulled Consent Items - Conservation related to GBCT meeting-Phil and Guy attended.
      Action: Guy Turenne will provide a summary report from the meeting

    4. Donations/Fundraising

      1. Cargill, $10,000 - Mickey with Thanks to Linda Jefferies

      2. Scheels, $200 - Frank

      3. Proposed Fundraising Development Committee - Mickey, Dennis (see file in Google drive)- A motion was made and approved for the formation of a financial development committee to be overseen by the treasurer.
        Action: Ryan will recruit members to the committee. Paul will participate as an consultant, since he oversees the donor database.

  4. New Business

    1. Northern Water request - Mickey
      Action: invite Brian Warner to a board meeting, and then to speak at a general meeting, to talk about the adaptive management plan and how we can be involved.

  5. Old Business

    1. Payment for Danny White - Mickey, Ryan- CTU declined to split the donation with us. Mickey spoke with all necessary parties, CSU and CTU, and we can go ahead and provide funding to Danny.
      Action: Ryan will write the check to the CSU Department of Engineering foundation.

    2. Debrief from Meeting with Fort Collins Halligan representative Eileen Dornfest - Mickey, Ron- The aquatic section proposal is broad and conceptual at this time. They are promising 18 cfs winter, and 25 cfs summer

    3. Debrief from Rendezvous - Mickey, Ron, Phil, Colin- look in folder on Drive: 20190508

    4. Veterans Program - Dave Morse - classes are completed and trips are on going. Need trip leaders with drift boats who can participate on trips up to WY private lake. The honor float is July 4th and 20 WW2/Korean war veterans will participate.

    5. Update on Monofilament project- Ruthie/Dennis- have spoken with Anastasia with the City of FC Natural Areas. Current plan is to rebuild the monofilament collection tubes to discourage their use as trash receptacles.

    6. Permanent Business Address for the chapter. 
      PO Box 1694
      Fort Collins, CO 80522-1694
      mailing address:
      301 South Howes St, #1694
      Fort Collins, CO 80524


  1. May 15: General Meeting- Mickey will address the State of the Chapter, and board member election will be held.

  2. June 1: Kids Free Fishing Day - Lee

  3. June 2: Pleasant Valley Rendezvous - Colin

  4. June 8: Larimer County-Pinewood Res, and Gateway Natural Area trail work

  5. June 10: Big T Pier celebration - Postponed

  6. June 30: Board member retreat

Submitted by Frank Bub, Secretary
Approved June 12, 2019

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