Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Leadership Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2018

Meeting called to order by President Mickey McGuire at 7:10 pm.
In attendance: Colin Glover, Frank Bub, Phil Wright, Paul Wehr, Wil Huett, Dennis Cook, Lee Evans, Joe Pitti, Ruthie Ketola (minutes).

Note: A quorum was present

  1. President’s Comments- Mickey

    1. Special thanks to Phil, Frank, Wil and Colin for representing us last month at the Wild And Scenic celebration organized by CPRW at the Mish.

    2. NISP- special thanks to Frank Bub for reviewing the models in the FEIS; his comments were incorporated into the message that went to the Corps.

    3. Survey- special thanks to Bob Green; we have about 115 responses as of yesterday.

    4. Watson Lake Diversion will be built with funds from Northern Water and Noosa/Graves dairy; Ryan will deobligate the $1000 we had designated for the project in the spring.

    5. Request from Sarah Blodgett, PTA with Rocky Mountain Physical Therapy, to give a 20 minute presentation at one of our chapter meetings. She will provide tips on fly casting and other fishing related physical issues at the March meeting.

    6. Shout out from Matt Fairchild regarding PIT tagging project. He especially mentioned appreciation of RMF and Otterbox.

  2. Board Business

    1. Consent Agenda- Approved.

    2. Pulled Consent items-none

  3. New Business

    1. Chapter meeting agenda 10/17/18- Mickey asked to keep the business portion to 15 minutes. Folks with agenda items should let Mickey know in advance, and be concise.

      1. We also discussed using Vistaprint for business cards, and leaving cards on every seat as a tool for inviting friends to the November chapter meeting.

      2. Mickey will arrange dinner with our speaker, Paul Bunker, before the general meeting at Coopersmith’s.

    2. November Chapter meeting- will be 11/28/18 due to scheduling around Thanksgiving. We still need a speaker, and are encouraged to send ideas to Domingo.

    3. BTWC Grant Proposal Discussion – Frank- refer to document: Letter of support for the BTWC Stream Management Plan Grant Application.

      1. It was proposed to support the grant application, and commit 100 volunteer hours over several years to the project. VOTE: approved
        Action: Frank will send the support letter to Mickey who will send it to BTWC

      2. Phil suggested we discuss creating a volunteer hour budget if the recipients are not our chapter. Action: We will put this on a future agenda.

    4. Signs for the Big Thompson fishing pier-Frank- see document: Proposal for 4 signs at the pier. Frank did extensive work on this proposal, including meeting with a sign company, materials, and content for the signs.

      1. Current budget is $2800

      2. Mickey pointed out that the NFS may require we use their sign company, and will want to sign off on the content.

      3. Frank will speak with Shayna about rescheduling the celebration in the spring.

    5. Greenback tour – Dick Jefferies could not attend- Brewater, Odell’s and, Forest Service-tabled until spring.

    6. 5 Rivers Chapter checking account discussion- see document from Ryan regarding the CSU Banking proposal: Motion to amend the RMFC budget to include a new $1,600 budget line item for Income and Expenses called CSU Fly Fishing Club. After discussion the motion was modified to: Amend the RMFC budget to include a new, restricted line item for both Income and Expenses named “CSU Fly Fishing Club.” The motion passed unanimously by a vote of the Trustees. The Policy for this account reads: Policy: Income would be deposited by a CSU Officer to a new separate US Bank account. Funds in this account would be restricted for use only for the CSU Fly Fishing Club. Expenses would require approval by the CSU President or Treasurer and must include receipts per RMFC typical expenses reimbursement process. RMFC Treasurer will reimburse the CSU Fly Fishing Club for allowable expenses. All TU National rules apply for the use of this account.

    7. Alpine Anglers video - Phil-we did not view this, but agreed this would be a good way to promote our chapter- Action: Dennis will lead the project and approach Mark Miller and Art Canfield.
      Phil- discussed improving communication- suggested producing a brochure to help facilitate discussion of the rationale for greenback restoration with TU members and non-members. We will incorporate CTU’s position. Action: Mickey will send out an email with talking points drafted by Matt Fairchild and others. We will use the recent member survey to further facilitate communication, and create a larger social media presence.

    8. Oct. 25-26 UT3 Revegetation Project- CPRW, Odell’s and RMF- Phil is a crew leader, and needs volunteers. The project is posted on VMS and in the newsletter Action: send out an email blast requesting volunteers.

  4. Old Business

    1. NISP business – Mickey-see discussion above- City of FC and some environmental groups are opposed. We would like to have “a seat at the discussion table”, as well as to assist with adaptive management, and monitoring of the environmental impact mitigation.

    2. Big Thompson Fishing Pier Grant- Frank-see handout. This is an ongoing project.

    3. Update on temperature logger status and progress- Phil- time to collect data. Action: A meeting was held afterwards with volunteers to coordinate use of the shuttle.

    4. Platte River Veterans Update-Dave Morse-refer to email- fly tying begins October 25th. Volunteers are welcome.

    5. VMS- Linda is unable to attend but reports VMS is working well. Action: Project leaders should send her information for postings.

    6. CPW Fly Fishing Class - Ruthie-reviewed the discussion of a CPW supported fly fishing class in Northern CO Action: Ruthie will contact Howard Horton, CPW Angling Outreach Coordinator, regarding speaking at a general meeting, as well as a spring class. We will be sensitive to our local fly shop and include them where possible.

    7. Expo poster and information - Wil-SW Anglers has offered a free ad in their magazine. We discussed advertising in High Country Angler, and notifying other chapters of the event. Action: ongoing planning needs to take place.

    8. CSU FF Club- Dennis- requests to participate in our 2/21/19 expo by submitting silent auction items, with the funds that are accrued to be donated to their chapter. The number of auction items will be at the discretion of Colin Glover who agreed to take on the role of Auction Coordinator.
      Vote: approved.

  5. Future Business

    1. NOCO expo- Coy-no action.

    2. Christmas party-Lee- confirmed December 14th at Collindale with $15 online registration and food order based on the response.

Submitted by Ruthie Ketola, Secretary