Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Board Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2018

Present: Coy Wylie, Mickey McGuire (taking minutes), Domingo Rodriguez, Wil Huett, Tom Culbertson, Paul Wehr, Dennis Cook, Dave Morse, Lee Evans, Robin Brown.

Meeting called to Order 7:05 PM; a quorum was present

  1. Board Business

    1. President’s comments - Coy
      Quick review of the Expo. We grossed $6210 from entrance fees, raffle tickets and auction. Our costs were $769 resulting in $5441 net to the Chapter.

    2. Review of Agenda:
      Items were added and moved around to accommodate schedules

    3. Review of February’s Minutes (attached) - Approved

    4. Consent Agenda
      Received Web, Community Outreach, Membership and Financial reports; all were approved.

    5. Pulled Consent items - None

  2. New Business

    1. Update on Youth Camp - Robin and Bill
      Robin presented a thorough summary of the camp preparations. Volunteers are pretty well lined up except we still need daily mentors.

    2. Project Healing Waters executive session- all
      Moved to executive session to discuss

    3. Rendezvous Update-April 27-28 - who is going? - Mickey
      Mickey is attending as is Domingo. Early Registration ends March 19 as does early hotel registration. Register as soon as possible if you are attending. We agreed to do a poster again this year, Mickey will coordinate.

    4. Poudre Riverfest - Saturday June 2nd
      This coincides with Kids Fishing Day and we agreed to participate again this year. Dennis has volunteered to coach a volunteer coordinator. We need someone to volunteer as a coordinator and additional volunteers to staff the booth.

    5. Odell River Fest April 21 – Coy
      Odell’s will be hosting an event at the Brewery and we are invited to display our information. There is also a river clean up. Dennis has volunteered to coach a volunteer coordinator. We need someone to volunteer as a coordinator and additional volunteers to staff the booth.

    6. Funding a former youth camper to attend the CTU Youth Camp – Dennis
      The mother of a former camper (Cooper Winey) has requested assistance to help pay for attendance of her son at the Colorado Trout Unlimited Youth Camp. Trustees in attendance voted unanimously to provide $350 to CTU in the name of the youth to attend camp.

  3. Old Business

    1. Update from Nominations Committee - Dennis
      Dennis reported it looks like we will need to fill one Trustee-at-large position. The committee will work on a year round basis to identify potential leaders for the Chapter. All are encouraged to tell the nominations committee of anyone you know who might be interested to learn more about chapter business. There was also discussion about the Conservation chair position.

    2. Update from Awards Committee - Dennis
      There are five award categories: Conservation, Outstanding Volunteer, Youth Education, Youth Award, Special Project Activity. Award recipients will be announced at the May annual Meeting. Dennis requested all of us to submit potential awards nominees to the committee as soon as possible.

    3. CPW bill progress- Mickey
      Mickey, Dick Jefferies and Jen Boulton (Lobbyist for CTU) met with our State Senator Lundberg and chair of the appropriations committee to discuss support for the bill that will allow CPW to raise, among other things, fishing and hunting license fees. The Senator was non committal and was the only senator to vote against the bill in the appropriations committee. The bill later passed the senate and is expected to pass the house.

    4. Platte River Veterans FF update-Dave M and Domingo R

    5. Update from webmaster- need fishing trip dates-Paul
      This topic was changed to a discussion of acknowledging donations. The discussion of how Paul receives information and and acknowledges donations revealed a few gaps in our communication. Tom will send Paul the donations related to the Expo and we all need to follow up with Paul to ensure donations are properly acknowledged on our website and during the meetings.

    6. Debrief from Expo
      Lee led a discussion about what went well and areas that could be improved. If you have suggestions, please forward them to Lee.

  4. Future Business

    1. NoCo Expo planning – Coy
      Once Coy’s term expires, he will take the lead on this topic. Tentatively set for Fall 2019.

    2. Children’s Water Festival - No discussion