Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Board Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by President Coy Wylie.
In attendance: Coy Wylie, Mickey McGuire, Domingo Rodriguez, Linda Jeffries, Dick Jeffries, Dave Piske, Wil Huett, Phil Wright, Guy Turenne, Ruthie Ketola (minutes),Dennis Cook.
A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. President’s Comments

    2. Review of Agenda-approved.

    3. Review of September’s Minutes-approved.

    4. Consent Agenda-approved.

    5. Pulled Consent Items-none.

  2. Old Business

    1. Discuss budget for this year-Coy/Mickey
      Mickey led a lengthy discussion on line items and updates were made. Team decided to postpone adoption of final budget until November when Tom can be present to help us understand a few items. Mickey will email Tom with the proposed changes.

    2. Embrace a Stream update-Dave Piske
      We received our first EAS grant after 4 years of applying. There is another 50k from TU & Orvis available for matching grants from chapter members. Online fundraising November 6-12. ANNOUNCE AT CHAPTER MEETING. Ask how many would raise their hands and commit to donating $25 during this campaign. Write a song for a video?????

    3. Youth Camp Coordinator
      The nominating committee may select someone. Bob Castner and Scott Gould??? We need one person to coordinate the whole camp. ANNOUNCE AT CHAPTER MEETING.

    4. Project Healing Waters-Domingo/Dave
      Will be starting up meetings again in November for fly tying at the Edge. Rod Building will resume in January. Trips have been good and more are in the planning. Additional volunteers are welcome.

    5. Volgistics Update-Linda
      Working well. Next step is have a coordinator training.

    6. Fly rods for raffles

      1. Domingo resolved the price discrepancy with Elkhorn and is ready to go.

      2. Mickey has shirts for the raffle as well.

  3. New Business

    1. Stream Management Plans
      CWCB is utilizing this as part of the State Water Plan. Two grants will be given for five million dollars. Deadline for the first grant is the first week of November. BTWC does not have enough recognition to apply this year. May be a good project for Eric Swanson.

    2. Fall CTU Rendezvous-October 21-22
      Saturday and Sunday in Estes Park. We have good representation.

    3. Intern Responsibilities
      Began discussions last month. Will helped Linda a bit with membership work. Suggestions include producing a report for the board regarding CSU activities and helping our group develop a social media presence.

    4. Christmas Party Planning
      Lee confirmed our reservation at CB Pott’s on Friday, December 15.

    5. Visioning-deferred due to time constraints.

  4. Future Meetings

    1. Strategic Planning/Action Plan
      Coy will finish the final edits and then give to the leadership. Next step will be the action plan.

    2. NoCo Expo Planning

    3. Volunteer Orientation for January/VMS Training. We need to ask Phil if he thinks its valuable and wants to do it again.

    4. Do we need to schedule someone to tie flies each meeting? Many of us want to include fly tying. We need someone to coordinate this, as well as to organize drinks for the meetings.

Submitted by Ruthie Ketola,
Rocky Mountain Flycasters Secretary