Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Board Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by VP Mickey McGuire. In attendance: Mickey McGuire, Linda Jeffries, Wil Huett, Ruthie Ketola (minutes), Paul Wehr, Phil Wright, Lee Evans, Dave Piske, Guy Turenne, and Will Lennon. 
A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. Vice President’s comments and introductions. (Coy is unable to attend)

    2. Review of Agenda-approved with two additions in lieu of visioning:
      added Jasper Lake volunteer project and Stream management planning

    3. Review of August Minutes-approved

    4. Consent Agenda-approved (no youth report)

    5. Pulled Consent Items-none

  2. New Business

    1. Discuss year-end set aside for conservation fund-(Tom by proxy)

      1. Unanimously approved $2000 at this time, and will consider an additional amount when the budget is approved, up to $5000.

      2. Tom would like to schedule a budget meeting.

    2. Discuss CTU and RMF endorsement of the FWMEP and a statement to provide to our membership-

      1. Plan: Link the summary statement on the web site.

      2. Present bullet points at general meeting 9/20/17: Dick will draft, Mickey will review, Coy will present.

      3. Present a slide with the bullet statements after Adam’s presentation at the general meeting (Dick/Mickey/Phil).

    3. September General Meeting preparation:

      1. Domingo’s concerns about fly rods for raffles: The Elkhorn rods are over budget- will ask Domingo to negotiate with them further and just purchase rods with in the budget. Consider looking at other rod manufacturers in the future.

      2. Mickey will have the logo shirts to sell, and order forms ready. Reminder to all wear our shirts.

    4. Visioning-deferred due to time constraints.

    5. Stream Management Plans-Dick

      1. CWCB is launching a two-year project allowing coalitions to help plan the use of all the major streams from headwaters to confluence, providing grant money for watershed conservation and watershed specific plans involving all the different stakeholder groups and the coalitions. We could get involved and spearhead this, but it will be a big job- suggest 2 people commit to this in the next 3 months. These plans will drive the projects of the future.

      2. Deferred further discussion to next month’s leadership meeting.

  3. Old Business

    1. Support letter for Halligan Reservoir dam expansion

      1. Discussed that CTU will not endorse any plan without completion of an EIS.

      2. We could still provide a letter acknowledging mitigation efforts thus far and supporting further collaboration pending the EIS.

      3. Mickey will email David Nickum tomorrow.

    2. Volgistics Update-Linda

      1. Kicked off at the beginning of September with a steady stream of applicants and project sign-up.

      2. Linda requests we contact her for additions of projects and skill sets to the site.

      3. Goal is to use it to enlist volunteers exclusively next year.

    3. Status of Strategic Plan after trustee meetings 8/16 and 8/23/17-Mickey
      The trustees have revised the strategic plan as a separate document from the action plan, and will meet to review and revise the action plan next. TBS.

    4. Project Healing Waters update-Mickey (neither Domingo or Dave were able to attend due to a PHW fishing trip.)
      Meeting Thursday nights, and going well. Could use volunteers.

    5. Embrace a Stream update-Dave P
      On target with a decision pending 9/29/17.

    6. Youth Camp Coordinator-Mickey

      1. Dennis has given his 6 month notice. Consider using the nominations or leadership development committee to recruit a new coordinator.

      2. Lee will initiate this process, and we will send names of interested persons to him for further consideration.

      3. Utilize the help wanted page?

    7. Phantom Canyon update

      1. Still need a point person. Linda will send an email blast requesting interested persons use VMS.

      2. Phil will contact Stan regarding being the point person, and Guy will also get back to Linda by Friday if he can do it.

      3. Consider 5 Rivers if we don’t get enough volunteers utilizing Will.

    8. New intern responsibilities- deferred to future meeting.

  4. Future Meetings

    1. Fall CTU rendezvous- October 21-22 Estes Park.

    2. Christmas Party-confirm Friday December 15 th at CB Potts.

    3. Fly Fishing Show-is it worth it to commit to staffing a table for 3 days? Discuss at future meetings.

    4. NoCo Expo Planning-no action

Submitted by Ruthie Ketola,
Rocky Mountain Flycasters Secretary