Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Board Meeting Agenda:
August 9, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:05 by President Coy Wylie. In attendance: Coy Wylie, Linda Jeffries, Phil Wright, Lee Evans, Dennis Cook, Paul Wehr, Dave Piske, Domingo Rodriquez, Ruthie Ketola (minutes), and Adam Jokerst.
Note: A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. President’s comments and introductions
      Guest: Adam Jokerst, Water Resource Engineer in Utilities Department, City of Ft. Collins

    2. Review Agenda - approved as is.

    3. July Minutes - approved as submitted.

    4. Consent Agenda: Treasurer’s Report, Conservation Report, Youth Report, Community Outreach Report, Membership Report

    5. Pulled Consent Items - none

  2. New Business

    1. Support letter for Halligan Reservoir dam expansion-Adam Jokerst.
      Adam gave a slide show presentation of the project and outlined the City of Fort Collins’ Conceptual Avoidance, Minimization and Mitigation Plan. He requested a support letter from RMF to to submit to the Corps by the end of September.

      1. Contact CTU so that we do not blur any lines of communication - Coy and Dave P.

      2. Will hold off until September board meeting for a vote after members have a chance to review the information. Coy will write the letter if approved.

    2. Meeting venue discussion -Coy/Tom
      Coy checked on the Wolverine Letterpress and it won’t work due to lack of parking.

      1. Check CSU and FRCC to see if there is a facility on campus we might use beginning in January 2018, with the goal being to increase membership and diversity- Dennis.

      2. Check leadership manual about alcohol served at meetings- Dennis.

      3. Consider re-naming our current venue the Raintree recreation center on the web site for now (Tom).

    3. Discuss year-end set aside for conservation fund - Tom

      1. Consider whether we put excess money into the conservation fund: $2k has been designated in the past. Deferred to next meeting.

      2. Need a budget meeting.

    4. Rist Canyon Mountain Festival, September 3, 2017

      1. Email leadership team for those who will show up- Coy/Tom.

      2. Coordinate taking the tent & kids games.

      3. Contact about better location - Coy.

    5. General membership 2014 survey regarding our Chapter’s direction and goals (Bob Green)- Coy

      1. Survey & Strategic Plan are two different issues: the strategic plan should be an extension of CTU but with local flavor - Coy.

      2. The plan should be reviewed yearly as it should be “a working document” - Dennis.

      3. Trustees will meet before the next board meeting to review and discuss the strategic plan and action steps. Tom offered to host.

    6. Visioning-Coy: no action due to time.

  3. Old Business

    1. Youth camp review - Dennis

      1. This year’s camp was a success.

      2. Need to recruit a replacement for Dennis as Camp Coordinator: Review next month.

    2. Project Healing Waters update - Domingo: The group is meeting weekly on Thursday nights and fly-tying Saturdays. Looking for volunteers. A Greeley group has formed and meets at the American Legion.

    3. Embrace a Stream update - continues on track for the 9/29/17 deadline - Dave Piske.

    4. Phantom Canyon update: Coy will email Colin.

    5. Volgistics update: no action.

    6. Shirt sale update/order form - has been emailed for feedback which is positive. (Mickey)

      • Wear our shirts to the September meeting.

      • Mickey has ordered and received 12 shirts to sell at the meeting.

  4. Future Meetings

    1. Adam Jokerst agreed to give his presentation at the October general membership meeting.

    2. Fly Fishing Show 2018, Denver

    3. NoCo Expo planning

Submitted by Ruthie Ketola,
Rocky Mountain Flycasters Secretary