Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Board Meeting Minutes:
June 14, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:05 by President Coy Wylie.
In attendance: Coy Wylie, Mickey McGuire, Tom Culbertson, Linda Jefferies, Domingo Rodriguez, Lee Evans, Dennis Cook, Ruthie Ketola (minutes).
Note: A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. President’s comments- Coy welcomed the group and began the meeting.

      1. The new Organizational Chart is referenced.

      2. Missing members acknowledged.

    2. Review of Agenda: Approved as is.

    3. May Minutes: Approved as submitted.

    4. Consent Agenda: Treasurer’s Report, Conservation Report, Youth Report, Community Outreach Report, Membership Report: approved as submitted

      1. Pulled Consent Items: youth camp project:

        • Dennis has concerns with volunteers being tardy signing up, as well as past volunteers not returning as participants, despite this being a good volunteer opportunity for the general membership for which there are limited opportunities currently. Dennis likes to “over staff the camp by one” to allow for the unexpected. It was previously decided that the volunteers must be TU members.

        • discussed whether or not videos of past camps, and volunteer testimonials would be useful to recruit more volunteers, utilizing Bob Green and Mark Miller. We will all attempt to recruit more volunteers.

  2. Old Business

    1. New Intern responsibilities:

      1. Dennis will work on a job description for Wil.

      2. Other responsibilities may include social media postings. Currently only Paul can post on FB. Future postings would likely be limited to the leadership.

    2. Update from Poudre River Water Fest - Dennis
      Less public traffic this year possibly due to road construction, 9 volunteers participated, and our presence was welcomed by the organizers. The consensus is to continue participation in the future.

    3. Update from Kids Free Fishing Day - Lee
      55 kids, 11 volunteers, good public relations, and lots of happy, grateful families.

    4. Project Healing Waters Update –Domingo

      1. Cheyenne fundraiser raised approximately $50,000

      2. Currently have 21 vets meeting once monthly at the Edge. Summer trips are scheduled. Additional volunteers are welcome.

      3. Domingo was given a certificate acknowledging him for his exceptional volunteer efforts in multiple areas.

    5. Statewide efforts on Greenback restoration -nothing new to report

      1. Mickey discussed outcome from organizational meetings which encouraged TU chapters working together on projects.

      2. There are good spawning results up at Zimmerman.

    6. Embrace a Stream Update- no action as Dave could not attend.

    7. Columbia Purchase Program - Mickey
      Mickey followed up after the meeting with details of logo shirt expenses and links to the web site. Linda and Ruthie will advise on women’s shirts choice. Our profit margin may not be large but the shirts would build solidarity and promote TU. The CSU chapter may wish to be included as well.

    8. Update from NoCo Expo (we need a better name!)- Coy

      1. Tom will provide comprehensive information from his prior experience with food shows.

      2. Amy and Dennis Galyardt have 20 years of past experience they are willing to share.

      3. The planning committee was unable to find a date to meet at this time, may discuss on our way to the Alpine Anglers meeting Wednesday next week.

    9. Phantom Canyon volunteer opportunity 9/30/17
      discussed lotto vs raffle for selection of volunteers, including requiring some minimal amount of volunteer participation; as well as utilizing the VMS which will be launching soon. Sign up should begin in late summer. The consensus was that this opportunity require at least a one hour of past volunteer hours, and that within the application, applicants could list their volunteer history.

    10. Embrace a Stream- no action since Dave could not attend.

  3. New Business

    1. Visioning -

      1. Linda and Dennis will contact Domingo with ideas they have for future speakers.

      2. Dennis initiated discussion of provisions for women on future club trips, specifically lodging.

      3. Linda highlighted the diversity in CTU initiative which includes recruiting members of all races, sexes, ages, etc.

      4. Discussed the leadership team mentoring volunteers, as well as how to engage new members.

      5. Consider “coupon cards” for non-member participation for fishing trips or referrals to St. Pete’s for discounted casting lessons.

  4. Future Meetings

    1. Rist Canyon Festival, September 3, 2017
      We will bring our own canopy and staff this with volunteers

    2. Fly Fishing Show 2018, Denver- no action

  5. Website:

    1. Linda suggested we update our calendar, including getting rid of old calendar items. Paul followed up in an email with further discussion of the cons of doing this and details of how our web site is structured: the calendar is self-updating.

    2. Dennis highlighted the need for getting a highly visible, public calendar out to members. Paul made the point that in order to this effectively, we need to schedule calendar items further in advance. He has other ideas of how to do this for future discussion.

    3. We need to make certain that links for volunteering, etc., are straightforward and obvious. Dennis and Paul have worked on the youth camp volunteer site extensively.

Submitted by Ruthie Ketola,
Rocky Mountain Flycasters Secretary