Feb. 08, 2017

7:00 PM - Meeting called to order

Attendance: Coy Wylie , Mickey McGuire, Lance Asherin, Tom Culbertson, Wil Huett, Domingo Rodriguez, Dave Piske, Linda Jefferies, Dick Jefferies, Paul Wehr, Lee Evans, Dennis Cook and Dave Cunningham.
Note: A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. President’s comments and introductions, Coy welcomed the group and began the meeting.

    2. Review Agenda motion/2nd/approved

    3. Approve last month’s minutes - January Minutes, motion/2nd/approved as amended.

    4. Lance informed the group that he will be moving to Missoula in a few months and asked that the board try to find a replacement.

    5. Consent Agenda: Treasurer’s Report, Conservation Report, Youth Report, Community Outreach Report, Membership Report; items approved

    6. Pulled Consent Items – Dave Piske and Dennis each gave an oral report for the Conservation and Youth reports.

  2. Old Business

    1. Expo Update, Feb 15th – Start setting up at 4:30. Lee went through his list discussing all the items that we covered last month. The meals are all taken care of and everyone seemed to know their volunteer assignments. We will begin serving food to the fly tiers at 5:00. Again let’s help rotate kitchen duties and let everyone observe some of the tiers. Everyone needs to keep an eye on trash and help empty full containers. Linda was going to bring the board member name tags. Paul was going to make name tags for the 24 tiers, and Lee was going to email Paul the complete list of names. Dennis was going to bring along the vices. Lee asked people to bring along a power cord and a power strip just in case a table needs one. We discussed not having people grab their stuff until after they have paid. We discussed taking the card readers to the table and having the winning bidders pay there.

    2. Project Healing Waters – Domingo informed us that the group has found a new location for their Thursday tying nights. The Edge apartment buildings have a club house that is being offered to the group. He asked that if anyone would like to help sit with a vet and offer assistance they would appreciate the help. They are also building rods on Saturdays. Contact Domingo if you have any questions or would like to help out. Address is 7850 E 15th street.

  3. New Business

    1. Visioning – Coy discussed expanding upon our fly tying expo. He was going to check out some other group’s activities and see what he can learn. Dick reminded the group that having a fly tying expo at an event where we could serve beer would almost ensure Odell’s assistance at the expo. However the Odell’s celebration of fishing day would not be a good fit for our expo as a committee discovered a couple of years ago.

    2. CTU update – Dick provided several reports last week and he shared with us the CTU board went into executive session dealing with the Long draw settlement and that he could not discuss that. The language in the settlement is moving forward.

    3. Awards -

      1. CTU awards. We had a discussion about what has happened in the past and there are several categories available. This is a self-nominating process. The individual chapters have to send in the application and award recipients are recognized during rendezvous. Our chapter has received a few of these. March 1st is the deadline for receiving letters. A couple of possible things to recognize were mentioned; our newsletter and web page, project healing waters, volunteer orientation meeting. Coy asked if there were some example letters from the past that he could see. Paul and Dennis were going to look for something.

      2. Chapter Recognition awards. We discussed recognizing Brian Chavet for all the help and rod donations Elkhorn has provided to our chapter. Our chapter has a policy to follow regarding awards. See our organization manual. No one has nominated anyone for a couple of years now. We have many deserving people in our chapter.

    4. Income Opportunity

      1. David Cunningham provided an email about an idea having a screen saver of a few flies, the insects they represent and how to use. This would be an app that could be purchased at a small cost to provide funds. The more he looked into this idea the more complicated he found the wallpaper app creation process to be. He is still looking into this idea, however we need to provide to a wider audience to make any money for the chapter. We thought about having a sheet to purchase at or expo and having to guess at the different flies displayed and those people who guess correctly could win the flies.

      2. Dick discussed the book he is putting together of the flies used by Colorado TU chapter members. This may be available to download as a fund raiser down the road.

  4. Future Meetings

    1. City of Fort Collins open house on the NISP projectFeb 13th. To get feedback to see if it is ok for city staff officials to talk with Northern. Currently they will not talk with Northern.

    2. River Stewardship Gala March 9th, Mile High Station – We have paid for a table holding 10 guests. We discussed who might attend this year’s event. We talked about inviting Ken, Kyle and Ben. Coy was to get contact information from Dick and send out some invites.

    3. CTU Rendezvous April 21-23, Keystone Lodge (Summit County)
      Poster for Rendezvous

    4. Poudre River Water Fest June 3rd, Greeley. This event is a kid’s oriented event.

    5. Fly Fishing Show 2018, Denver

9:00 - Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted by Lance Asherin, RMF Secretary