Jan. 11, 2017

7:00 PM - Meeting called to order

Attendance: Coy Wylie , Mickey McGuire, Lance Asherin, Tom Culbertson, Wil Huett, Domingo Rodriguez, Dave Piske, Linda Jefferies, Paul Wehr, Cullen Emsing, and Phil Wright.
Note: A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. President’s comments and introductions,
      Coy welcomed the group and hoped for a quick meeting.

    2. Review Agenda motion/2nd/approved

    3. Approve last month’s minutes - December Minutes, motion/2nd/approved

    4. Consent Agenda: Treasurer’s Report, Conservation Report, Youth Report, Community Outreach Report, Membership Report; items approved

    5. Pulled Consent Items - Tom informed the board that he is going to get help with the taxes this year. He has to use a Form 990 this year he has no experience with. Plans on filing an extension tomorrow.

  2. Old Business

    1. Volunteer Orientation Update (Jan 12th) - Phil stated he has 32 confirmed and 9 possible attendees for tomorrow night. He will provide a take away list for participants with contact information for various volunteer projects. Mickey suggested being more proactive by stating if you would like to volunteer for a project to contact this person.

    2. Expo Update Feb 15th- Lee (in abstentia; copied from his email)

      • Food: Have we reached agreement with Clyde of Canino’s? Dick has talked with Clyde and everything is in the works. Who will pick it up? To Be Determined. Tom will get supplies...plates, forks, etc. I have 45 cans of soda...who will buy more and also have water? Who will serve? Mickey stated he did not mind but that he did not want to get stuck their all night like last year. We need to be rotating around and helping as we can. We talked about asking the general meeting to see if anyone would help volunteer. Fliers are being prepared by Paul. He would like to put our major sponsor’s names on the flier. Some of us volunteered to contact a sponsor and let Paul know by tomorrow. Linda asked that we include a statement on the flier that this is our big fund raiser of the year.

      • Cullen received an email from Walt and brought up the subject of us recognizing Brian, former owner of Elkhorn, for all the support that he has given to this chapter. We all agreed this was a good idea.

      • Silent Auction: Lance and Coy will be in charge...are the donations coming in? Coy and I asked that if items are donated to let us know what they are and who from and we will prepare the forms. A few different shops were mentioned that people could approach about a possible donations.

      • Tickets: Linda will be at the door but will need help. Every paid adult admission gets 10 tickets and every student gets 5 tickets for raffles, and a ticket for dinner.

      • Collecting the money from the auction: A couple people have volunteered. Who has the card readers? How can this be more easily facilitated? Do we have any extra readers?

      • Paul: Are the fliers coming along? Paul showed us his prototype, some suggestions were made. Do you need some assistance? Could we hand them out at the Jan. general meeting? (I’ll send you a list of the tiers so far...)

      • Cullen mentioned the Saint Vrain chapter’s fund raiser is on Feb 4th and was wondering if anyone planned on attending and seeing how they are doing on a weekend event.

    3. Using Google Docs - Wil - Does anyone need help if so contact Wil. The file structure is TU based. We talked about having a tutorial session on screen with laptops in hand. Wil demonstrated on the TV monitor how he has set up the file structure. Go to google.com, log into your TU mail account, click on the box of dots and select drive. You should then see our TU folder, if not, contact Wil and he will set you up. Wil showed us some of the work he has done and other folders in the file structure. Talked about the need to share or not to share files with personal or sensitive information, and taking care of your successors.

  3. New Business

    1. Visioning - Led by Coy

      • Coy stated that Jay Burge the fellow who makes the tying benches is donating another one this year. He asked to have a side table somewhere to show his works. Coy informed us he told him that would be fine.

      • The Larimer County Fishing Expo has ceased and Coy “visioned” to us the idea of holding an event similar but with a fly fishing bent to it as a fund raiser, a TU - RMF Flyfishing Expo. If we changed to a weekend we might be able to increase participation. Something like this might take a couple of years to pull off but he wanted us to think about it. Coy believes an event like this would help to increase people’s awareness of the chapter and provide a larger fund raising opportunity.

      • Linda brought to our attention that the Poudre River Fest is going to be looking for a new coordinator to sponsor this event. This has been at annual event held at Legacy Park.

      • Domingo discussed trying to contact the Casting for Recovery group, and asking them to come and make a presentation for our chapter. Linda mention Dick had tried before with no luck.

      • We discussed having our February fund raiser on a weekend next year similar to what the Saint Vrain chapter is doing this year. Coy was going to attend their meeting this year and see how they do for attendance and tier participation. Proposed getting a group together to look into this.

    2. Phantom Canyon Update - Mickey informed us that he received a call from Stan Woodring. Sally Ross is the new manager and she is open to the idea of opening up more fishing opportunities using a lottery system. She would like to speak with the chapter. We thought this would be a good idea. Mickey will follow up with Stan. In the past the lottery did not work very well, participation was exclusive. There are still some volunteer opportunities.

  4. Future Meetings

    • River Stewardship Gala March 9th, Mile High Station - cost is $900 this year. We have budgeted this event. However we made a motion to cover any increase of cost over our budgeted amount. This motion was 2nd and approved. Linda will ask Dick who we should send the check to. She will then let Tom know. Payment due before Jan. 15th.

    • CTU Rendezvous April 21-23, Keystone Lodge (Summit County)

    • Poudre River Water Fest June 3rd. This event is a kid’s oriented event. We could commit to this but we need to have plenty of volunteer help to participate. (Note this is the same day as the Forest Service kids fishing day in Red Feather Lakes.)

    • Fly Fishing Show 2018 - Mickey stopped and talked with the Cheyenne Mountain booth this year and they were doing a raffle as a fund raiser this year. There was very little cost to them to participate. Mickey thought that maybe we should participate next year. Perhaps selling tickets at all of our events to send someone on a trip.

    1. Domingo informed us that he now has his gaming certificate for running our lottery.

9:00 - Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted by Lance Asherin, RMF Secretary