November 9, 2016
7:00 PM - Meeting called to order
Attendance: Coy Wylie , Mickey McGuire, Wil Huett, Lance Asherin, Tom Culbertson, Domingo Rodriguez, Dennis Cook, Lee Evans, Dave Piske, Linda Jefferies, Dick Jefferies, Paul Wehr, Bob Streeter, Cullen Emsing, Phil Wright and Jerry Pelis.
Guest: Tracy Wendt
Note: A quorum was present.
Board Business
President’s comments and introductions
Tracy Wendt - Big Thompson Watershed Coalition and American Fisheries Society, Dave Piske introduced her, Tracy will consider acting in the liaison role with AFS after May 2017. Our chapter may like to get a student or two on the board. Wil asked about inviting a student to the leadership team from AFS or the 5 River’s Club. We agreed this is a good idea but we would need to set some expectations of them. Coy said he would follow up with some discussions with TU.Review Agenda motion/2nd/approved
Consent Agenda: Treasurer’s Report, Conservation Report, Youth Report, Community Outreach Report, Membership Report; items approved
Approve last month’s minutes - October Minutes, motion/2nd/approved: with corrections.
Pulled Consent Items
Old Business
Update on Volunteer Management Software - Mickey informed us that the committee is now looking at three different programs. Volunteer Schedule Pro ($900) - would like us to test the software by registering for made up events - a 15 day trial period. Volunteer Impact ($570 + a startup fee) and Volgistics ($600) are 30 day trials. We will all get an email from Dennis with instructions for testing these packages.
Dick informed us what CTU is doing to fill in behind Stephanie. CTU is looking at our chapter as a beta test for our use of the volunteer management software and reporting of our findings/successes.
Fishing Pier Replacement - Dick stated that Parks and Wildlife had a grant opportunity for funds to replace the pier. He was asked to provide a cost to design a project with no plans. So he made some rough sketches and cost estimates. Dicks company is covering the cost currently for the design and grant submittal. First he checked on the pull out, next the Forest Service needs to look at our plans and see if he is going in the right direction. So things are moving forward and there is still plenty of time to get this in place, construction would be in fall 2017. Grant amount request of $55,490. Dick feels we should use this as a fund development campaign with the Ft. Collins/Loveland area. We need to be involved with the coalition in this effort, right now they are the grantee not us. We should have a good idea in about 30 to 60 days as to whether this will go forward.
Adult Education update - Domingo - The dates were sent out in his email, 15th and the 29th. There are about 7 people signed up to participate on the 11th. 9-12:00 Buckingham Park. Domingo let us know about Dan and Jim McGan the new owners of the Elkhorn, they will both be at the October general meeting.
Christmas Party update (Dec 10th) - Lee stated everything is on track and that the menu is ordered. Paul will get the web signup posted after guest night. Cost is $15.00 for early registration or $20.00 at the door. Looking for around 60 people to attend. Dennis let us know that Brett Johnson a faculty advisor from CSU will pay for a few students from the fly fishing club to attend.
New Business
Visioning - Led by Coy - Do we have any discussion items of future items of interest? Where is the chapter going? Coy and Mickey would like to have an open forum for discussions.
Dennis stated we should have a draft of the Strategic plan soon. We need to monitor on a regular basis to keep it current, keep it a living document.CPRW - Dick provided a hand out of risk assessment done by JW associates. Many agencies were involved in this assessment. The watershed assessment for rivers and streams is based on four basic criteria;
is it naturally functioning,
upland habitat value,
water supply and
cultural values.
This assessment should be used as a tool to push for future work projects in the highest risk areas. Our chapter should use this as a tool for projects in high risk areas with the idea we might have other interested parties willing to participate in these predefined areas. Dick stated that he believes there will be an opportunity to work with the Fort Collins Natural Areas soon looking at water diversions. He stated the coalition is shifting from restoration type work to mitigation projects like thinning and forest heath work.
Volunteer Orientation Meeting - Phil would like to see an event in January similar to what we did last year. The group agreed we should do this again. However, project coordinators need to follow up with those who sign up on the lists, last year this did not happen with all who attended. The meeting will be held Jan 12th.
The Poudre Runs Through It - Bob reported on the group’s activities. Some of the things they have done in the past couple of years; started the Poudre River Forum, looking at ways to improve the Poudre river flows, agriculture and city water sharing initiative, installed sign’s along the river trails to explain CFS, water diversion work with owners to make new structures more fish friendly, CSU Poudre world café having open discussions with students about how the river operates, Thornton owns a lot of northern Colorado stored water and they are starting to look at how they will take it out, Poudre water sharing authority - keep water in the river and avoid having it purchased up, Water augmentation discussions that would keep the water in the river. There are 29 people in this group representing 58 organizations. Bob is still representing us, but is looking at leaving in another year. The groups web site http://prti.colostate.edu/. Friday Feb 3rd will be the 4th Annual Poudre River Forum.
Guest Speaker Hospitality - Mickey sent out an email discussing paying for a meal for our speakers and a guest if they brought someone along, Wil suggested we formalize the guidelines for the program chair. Tom mentioned that often a board member has payed for these meals in the past and just taken a tax right off. The Board of trustees agreed to pay for their meals within our annual budget. Dick cautioned the group about the spending habits of a couple of past speakers.
Future Meetings
Guest night next week, please make an effort to talk with the new guests and members. Dick mentioned the cost for the gala will increase this year to $900.
9:20 - Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted by Lance Asherin, RMF Secretary