October 12, 2016

7:00 PM - Meeting called to order

Attendance: Coy Wylie , Wil Huett, Lance Asherin, Mickey McGuire, Domingo Rodriguez, Dennis Cook, Lee Evans, Dave Piske, Dick Jefferies, Linda Jefferies, Paul Wehr
Note: A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. President’s Comments: Coy welcomed the group and thanked everyone who participated last month in getting a budget prepared.

    2. Review Agenda: No Agenda submitted.

    3. Consent Agenda: Documents submitted prior to meeting are: Treasurer's Report; Conservation Report; Youth Report; Community Outreach Report; Membership Report. Moved/2nd/approved

    4. Approval of last month’s minutes: motion/2nd/approved

    5. Volunteer Hour request. Tom is requesting that everyone turn in their volunteer hours now, deadline is Nov. 15th.

  2. Old Business

    1. Google Docs: Wil informed the board about a service called Google for Non-Profits. This is an entire suite of services. The goal is to come up with a new storage space for our documents to replace Dropbox. Wil believes this is a much simpler system to use. He is creating a folder structure for everyone to put their documents into the proper place.

    2. Guest Night, November 16: Linda reminded everyone to bring friends to guest night and that she will be giving raffle tickets to members who bring guests. We need to provide drinks and popcorn for the night. Dennis was going to ask Bob Castner to gather up and bring the drinks. Coy discussed bringing some extra stuff to beef up the raffle table, others offered to bring additional items as well. We need a fly tier as well. Discussed using PayPal to sign up new members.

    3. Dick asked if anyone objected to having him put a note into our Newsletter about Jax’s desire to attract adults and to have a better relationship with TU.

    4. Budget:

      1. The board reviewed the latest version of the budget.

      2. We discussed and clarified several items.

      3. We will add a request in the Nov. and Dec. newsletters about asking for general donations from members who wish to take advantage of possible tax deductions.

      4. Dave Piske asked to clarify how the $2500 from Cargill last year will be spent. Should we pass this along to the coalition? The board agrees to give this to the BTWC for future restoration work.

      5. Motion/2nd/approved

New Business

  1. Alpine Anglers Report: Dave, Coy and Mickey had a meeting with three members and one thing that was discussed was the possibility of a joint meeting, and possibly collaborating on some future projects. Perhaps a meeting with our board members next spring to discuss how our chapter functions.

  2. Dave Piske mentioned that Phil could still use some help with the river clean up scheduled for Oct. 15th.

  3. Adult Education Report: Domingo has come up with some new dates for a education activities. He would like to put these into the next newsletter.

    • November 12th 9-12pm Fly Casting, Knot Tying

    • November 15th Tuesday, Leader Set up, Knots, Identification of Flies

    • November 22nd Tuesday Entomology, Intro to Fly tying, Flies

  4. Project Healing Waters is having a “Thankful Thursday”, on Nov, 3rd - they are looking for donations for the event. Domingo would like to have someone from PHW to come and talk at a future chapter meeting.

  5. Christmas Party - December 10th: Lee informed us that CB Potts at Collindale has been book for the night. Lee asked if the menu from last year would be ok with everyone and we agreed it was. Lee will be happy to conduct the gift exchange. Fees will be the same as last year $15 in advance and $20 at the door. We will include notices in the next newsletter and mention at the next two meetings.

  6. Raffle: Cullen has stated that he would still be willing to MC the raffles at our meeting but that he will not be getting his raffle license renewed. Domingo decided he would go through the licensing process for the next four year period.

  7. Fly Tying Expo: Lee discussed a few of the items of concern, the big one being a food vendor for the event. The donation table last year was very generous.

  8. Tom wanted an accounting of the maps, hats and patches. Sounds like there are 350 maps left.

  9. Linda will give away maps to new members on guest night.

  10. Coy discussed the possibility of us trying to organize some sort of a Northern Colorado Fly Fishing show. Lee explained that this has been discussed by our chapter before. This would require a lot of organization and a much bigger venue. Coy thinks this could bring in some of the younger generation.

  11. Lee discussed the idea of us having a fly swap. We could collect a small percentage as a fund raiser.

9:05 PM - Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted by Lance Asherin, RMF Secretary