August 10, 2016

7:00 PM - Meeting called to order

Attendance: Wil Huett, Domingo Rodriguez, Dennis Cook, Phil Wright, Mickey McGuire, Bob Castner, Lee Evans, Dave Piske, Coy Wylie, Cullen Emsing, Dave Morse, Linda Jefferies, Paul Wehr
Guest: Stephanie Scott, CTU Outreach Coordinator
Heather Sees, President Greenbacks http://thegreenbacks.org/
Since Lance Asherin was not at the meeting, Mickey McGuire was voluntold to take notes.
Note: A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. President’s Comments: Coy welcomed the group and introduced the visitors

    2. Review Agenda: Motion/2nd/Approved.

    3. Approval of last month’s minutes: motion/2nd/approved

    4. Consent Agenda: Moved/2nd/approved Membership report added to consent agenda; Other items approved

  2. Presentation by Stephanie Green and Heather Sees

    1. Stephanie:

      • Stephanie introduced herself and welcomed the invitation to attend. She commented on how functional RMF is and that the chapter is a go to organization for CTU.

      • CTU no longer has a Youth Outreach Coordinator due to lack of funding. But, CTU will still host a youth camp. CTU will be talking to state chapters to determine their needs for CTU efforts related to youth.

      • CTU sends a monthly newsletter to board members and would appreciate feedback.

      • CTU is ramping up efforts for greenback recovery and is wanting to increase coordination among front range chapters. Stephanie is the point of contact for the coordinated efforts. They are currently developing a webpage for greenback recovery in an attempt to increase communication which has been a trouble spot.

    2. Heather

      • Described the history of the Greenback (GB) organization; basically it was formed by four men who were part of the Cutthroat Chapter who didn’t find the TU model working for them. GB is not an official chapter of TU but is affiliated with CTU.

      • They are very social media oriented attracting younger members and have several fund raisers per year; they are planning a corn hole competition in October.

      • In the past, there has been little or no communication or coordination with TU chapters and this has caused friction when GB comes into a chapter’s home waters. Heather, as the new president wants to increase collaboration and is working with CTU to increase communication.

      • GB does not keep a membership list or collect dues.

      • GB is sponsoring a youth education campout for Girls Inc.; RMF agreed to lend advice

    3. General discussion ensued about the lack of communication, and possible splitting of efforts to attract members to TU chapters. Coy agreed be a liaison to GB and attend events sponsored by GB to enhance collaboration and communication. In addition, this would be an opportunity to recruit new members into RMF.

  3. Old Business

    1. Youth Report: Dennis Cook summarized the report he sent prior to the meeting. A request was made for volunteers to check waders for leaks sometime this fall. In addition, Coy commented he was approached by a sportsman in New Mexico about a young man in Fort Collins who needed some extra help and would like to go fly fishing. The members agreed to help out.

    2. Adult Education Report: Domingo summarized the report he sent out prior to the meeting. The first event will be held October 8 and will include casting and knots. A long discussion ensued about who should be allowed to sign up. It was moved and seconded to allow nonmembers to participate. Discussion was held and the motion failed by an individual vote of Trustees.

    3. Conservation Report: Dave Piske summarized the report he sent prior to the meeting. Funds have been conditionally received to build the fishing pier on the Big Thompson. Funds will be released once an approved plan and permits are completed. The Big T coalition hired a new assistant manager. DOLA is requesting a 5 year business plan for the coalition to continue receiving funds.

    4. Membership Report: Moved to the consent agenda (see 4 above)

    5. Treasurer’s Report: No discussion

    6. VMS Report: Mickey summarized the Statement of Performance Requirements developed by the VMS committee. The Statement was sent to Board Members prior to the July meeting. The VMS Committee will begin contacting potential vendors soon.

9:05 PM - Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted by Mickey McGuire for Lance Asherin

Supplemental note to the August minutes, on Aug 19th
Dave Piske sent an email explaining the current status of the Gomo grant.

The Gomo grant application, signed by Wil on February 29 this year, was based on a teaming arrangement that has since changed as to the participants and their respective roles on the team of federal and state agencies and cooperating non-profit organizations.

Given the current situation, the only practical use of the Gomo grant that will be consistent with the Gomo grant application, will be to utilize the $1,000 in the road obliteration that is scheduled to take place next month on September 24 and 25. This transfer of funds would be pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between RMF and WRV. And the RMF Board of Trustees could timely authorize the transfer of $1,000 during the Board meeting scheduled for September 14, 2016.

The Board of Trustees approved that a new MOU between WRV and RMF be prepared using email on Aug 21st rather than waiting for the next Board meeting.