May 11, 2016

7:00 PM - Meeting called to order

Attendance: Wil Huett, Domingo Rodriguez, Tom Culbertson, Linda Jefferies, Dennis Cook, Paul Wehr, Phil Wright, Mickey McGuire, Bob Castner, Lee Evans, Dave Piske, Coy Wylie, Cullen Emsing
Guests: Ben Loeffler and Katie Bemon.
Since Lance Asherin will not be at the meeting, Linda Jefferies volunteered to take notes.
Note: A quorum was not present.

  1. Board Business

    1. Introductions / President’s Comments

    2. Review Agenda: Motion/2nd/Approved

    3. Consent Agenda: Documents submitted prior to meeting are: Treasurer's Report; Conservation Report; Youth Report; Community Outreach Report; Membership Report. Approved.

    4. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting: Motion as amended/2nd/Approved: with corrections. The minutes were corrected to reflect that the decision to make funding available for a RMF member to attend the TU national meeting could be rescinded with a vote from the trustees.

    5. Pulled Consent Items: None

  2. Old Business

    1. Poudre White Water Park (Ben Loeffler: White Water Kayak Park advocate)

      1. The white water park is on track with work starting in the Fall of 2017.

      2. Coy ditch structures will be removed by spring of 2018.

      3. The park will feature 2 waves that will have water flow between 100 and 3000 cfs. With two deep pools and fish passage.

      4. Any questions regarding the features or regarding working on fish passage in other areas of the river should be directed to Matt Day at the landscape architect with Planning and Development - City of Fort Collins.

    2. Sustain: Budget Considerations

      1. The City of Ft. Collins increased our meeting room fees by 50%, from $80 to $120 however through Toms efforts, the fee increase was no longer retroactive. We will continue to look for a new meeting place for general meetings, but for now, the Senior Center reasonably priced and accessible.

      2. Motion rescind funding for TU national meeting was tabled because there was no quorum.

      3. Guidelines available for payment to speakers was discussed. Recommendation of the committee after discussion with Denver chapters.

      4. We will not normally pay for our speakers with the exception of a notable speaker for guest night.

      5. Occasionally a speaker that has to drive or stay overnight might be granted some money to reimburse for gas or lodgings. This will be at the discretion of the Program Chair who will have the final say in the matter. The Guidelines were accepted with the correction of $500.00 revised to $750.00 as the correct current maximum dollar amount available in the budget for speakers.

    3. Sustain: Odell’s Fly Fishing Day

      1. Dick was the main contact to Odell for the event. We will ask Dick to pass on any guidance he has for the event, and any knowledge he has regarding raffle items provided by Odell.

      2. Linda reminded all that in addition to the raffle we were planning to set up the fishing pond, insect display and the kids fly-tying.

      3. Dennis volunteered to set up volunteers to staff the various “booths”.

      4. Announcements need to be updated to the web site along with an email blast.

    4. Sustain: 2016 Youth Water Festivals
      Jerry was not in attendance, however Wil reminded participants for the Fort Collins festival that there would be only one parking permit, so either carpool or park wisely to avoid a ticket.

    5. Orientation for June Meeting.
      All leadership team members are welcome, but the meeting will focus on orientation for new board members.

    6. Sustain: Software search

      1. Phil Wright presented report on the Volunteer Management System (VMS) assessment. After much discussion Phil made a motion that RMF should continue to work on obtaining a volunteer management system to be put into place by the 2017 volunteer season, and to produce a set of requirements for the software. But asked that a new committee be formed to take on the task. The motion was seconded by Linda Jefferies and the motion was approved.

      2. Linda Jefferies was asked to work on the new committee and agreed to the appointment. Dennis Cook and Dave Piske also volunteered for the committee. Mickey McGuire’s participation was also requested, but since he had already left the meeting, the committee will ask for his participation on the committee.

    7. Sustain: Adult Education
      The committee for the adult education feasibility plan (Guy Turenne, Phil Wright, and Dennis Cook) presented their vision for the adult education program. The discussion of when to attempt implementation of the program was tabled for the next meeting, as also was approval of the recommended budget.

  3. New Business

    1. Sustain: Nominating Committee Report
      Lee was asked to conduct the elections at the general meeting.

    2. CTU/TU Life Members Fundraising
      Wil will send out a list of Life members in our chapter, to determine who on the leadership team might know Life members well enough to assist CTU in soliciting donations.

  4. Future meeting plans:

    • May 18 - annual meeting, elections, John Perry an Alaska guide will be the guest speaker.

    • May 22 – Fly-fishing party at Odell

9:15 PM – Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted by Linda Jefferies for Lance Asherin