February 10, 2016

7:00 PM - Meeting called to order

Attendance: Wil Huett, Dick Jefferies, Linda Jefferies, Domingo Rodriguez, Dennis Cook, Dave Piske, Tom Culbertson, Lee Evans, Cullen Emsing, Lance Asherin, Jerry Pelis, Guy Turenne, Paul Wehr.
Guests: Bob Castner, Mickey Maguire, Don Morris
Note: A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. Introductions/President’s Comments
      Wil mentioned that he received a message from Shannon and they are about to try a test run using Salsa to manage a volunteer project signup.

    2. Review Agenda: Agenda - Motion/2nd/Approved.

    3. Consent Agenda: Documents submitted prior to meeting are: Treasurer's Report; Conservation Report; Youth Report; Community Outreach Report; Membership Report. Approved.

    4. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting: Motion as amended/2nd/Approved: with a couple of corrections.

    5. Pulled Consent Items: None

  2. Old Business

    1. Sustain: Strategic Plan – Next steps
      The draft has been amended and was sent out to our members to solicit their opinions. Wil stated that he had received 5 comments back.
      We discussed a couple of the comments. The “friend raising” comment in the funding section bullet will be addressed. The “like minded” comment will be changed to RMF values collaborative processes.
      Once comments have been incorporated, the revised draft will be shared with our outside collaborators and stake holders.
      In conjunction with the strategic plan Dennis is working on a draft of an operations plan.

    2. Sustain: Volunteer opportunities

      • Trustee

      • Vice President

      • Treasurer

      • Newsletter editor

      • Domingo mentioned has talked with Katie Beamon about the trustee at large responsibilities and she may be interested.

    3. Sustain: Fundraising: RMF Fly Tying Expo 2/17
      We discussed the staffing commitments for the expo. Twenty three tiers are confirmed.

    4. Sustain: CSU undergraduate Internship proposal
      Dennis let us know that the changes we had discussed last month had all been addressed in the new agreement. The hours have been increased to 160 hours, so that the intern could seek 1 hour of credit. Dick made a motion to fund the position at the $1000 level and that the funds should come from the restricted revenue account of raffle/2nd/Approved.

    5. Sustain: Community Outreach: Larimer County Fishing Expo 3/5-6
      Need commitment from booth hosts & fly tiers, Domingo will help organize.
      Set up 3/4 3pm-6pm - Hours Sat 3/5 9a-4p. Sun 3/6 10a-3pm

  3. New Business

    1. Sustain: 2016 Youth Water Festivals
      Jerry sent a note out and is looking for volunteers to help. Loveland could use one more person and Fort Collins and Greeley are wide open for help.

    2. Sustain: Fishing is Fun Grant – Handicapped Fishing Structure
      Dave informed us of the grant requirements and timeline. Need to get the project back into the planning process with CDOT.
      This will be a partner grant with the coalition.
      Dave will continue to pursue this project.

    3. Sustain: Harvest Farm Request for Assistance
      Name: Heather Pulley
      E-mail: hpulley@denrescue.org
      Phone: 3035210746
      Message: Hi Wil-
      I represent Harvest Farm, a long-term addiction recovery program for men in Wellington. We would love to get a fly fishing group started for our program participants and I wanted to talk to you about the possibility of reaching out to some of your members for training and assistance. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss in further detail. Email works great! You can learn more about us at www.harvestfarm.net. Thank you!We decided to reply that unfortunately we do not have the capacity to take on this commitment at this time. We do not have an adult education program.
      Dennis stated that he felt that we need to have an adult education program. However it would take a leader to run this program.
      Dick felt that we could try to include the local fly shops and start up an adult program for our members. We should discuss this as a future agenda item.

    4. Sustain: Miscellaneous Items
      Dick informed the group that he has talked with Carla at Odell’s about the Spring Celebration and that she is thinking about getting the group Brew Water involved and getting something going. This is all of the breweries in the area. Dick is just letting her devise a plan. So maybe something big could be in the works, maybe not.
      Domingo stated that Landon was asking for a speaker fee.
      We discussed how the Colorado License plate cards need to be handled, we need the chapter number to be included in order for the chapter to receive a rebate.

  4. Future meeting plans:

    • February 17 - Fly Tying Expo

    • March 16 – Landon Mayer, and the Behnke’s fellowship winner Cheyenne Owens

    • April ----Spring Celebration?

    • May 18 - annual meet, elections, John Perry an Alaska guide & Bob Sampson will discuss Pueblo Tail water fishing

9:00 PM - Meetings adjourned

Supplemental note to the February minutes, on February 28th, Dick proposed the following motions, 1) In my motion for approving the 3k for the GOMO grant, I propose those funds come from the unallocated cash.  Furthermore, I propose that the commitment to fund the 3k is conditional on receipt of the 1k GOMO grant.  If we were to be denied the 1k, then I would like for us to reconsider our options at that time. 2) The 1,700.00 needed to fund the NEC backstop I propose, is paid out of the conservation fund reserve.  If approved, we can decide later if we want to move more unallocated cash into the conservation fund reserve.
The motions were seconded and approved by the Board of Trustees.