Jan 13, 2016

7:00 PM - Meeting called to order

Tom Culbertson, Dick Jefferies, Linda Jefferies, Lee Evans, Domingo Rodriguez, Dennis Cook, Dave Piske, Guy Turenne, Phil Wright, Lance Asherin, Cullen Emsing, Paul Wehr.
Note: A quorum was present.

  1. Board Business

    1. Review Agenda: Agenda approved.

    2. Consent Agenda: Documents submitted prior to meeting are: Treasurer'srsquo;s Report; Conservation Report; Youth Report; Community Outreach Report; Membership Report.
      Agenda Approved.

    3. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting: Motion/2nd/Approved: with a couple of corrections.

    4. Pulled Consent Items: None

    5. Dick reviewed the financial record books this week and everything looked good!

  2. Old Business

    1. Sustain: Strategic Plan – Next steps
      The draft has been sent out to our members to solicit their opinions. Comments are to be sent back to Wil.
      Once comments have been received and incorporated by the planning committee, they will be shared with our outside collaborators and stake holders.
      Dennis informed us he is still working on the draft of target goals for an operations plan.

    2. Sustain: Volunteer opportunities
      New need for a Trustee arises with Coy’s resignation.
      Vice President
      Newsletter Editor
      Mono line collection project

    3. Sustain: Membership: Orientation meeting update
      Phil informed the group that the estimated attendance is 40 people, things are going to be tight do to overcrowding issues. He has put together a list of names and will have a printout for each group leader for tomorrow night that does not include personal information.
      It was thought that a twenty minute time slot would be sufficient to discuss a topic/activity and then an opportunity would be provided for individuals to change to a new group.
      Linda will have name tags available.

    4. Sustain: Fundraising: RMF Fly Tying Expo 2/17
      Invitations to tiers went out 1/5. We need: food, raffle items, staffing commitments
      Lee informed us that he has confirmation from 14 tiers presently but expects to hear from others now that the Denver fishing expo’s are over with.
      The room is confirmed for the expo.
      The cost will still be $20 includes 10 raffle and meal tickets. Students $10 includes meal and 5 tickets. Kids are free and get a meal ticket.
      The board decided to pay Canino’s $300 to cover the meals this year. The trustees made a motion, 2nd the motion and approved this decision. The cost will cover about 130 meals. We will still have to provide drinks and everything else.
      Dick will send out a list of the donors from previous years. He asked that we keep a running “reply all” list going so we don’t end up having multiple people ask the same vendor for donations.
      Dick mentioned that it would be nice if everyone pitched in with the staffing commitment part of the fund raiser. If you see something that needs to be done just do it.
      We also discussed some items for the raffle table.

    5. Sustain: CSU undergraduate Internship proposal
      Phil Wright or Dennis Cook can update on progress developing a job description
      Dennis and Phil have compiled a list of items that they would like to discuss with CSU to modify the draft job description that CSU composed.
      They sent the list to Wil to look over and determine how he would like to proceed.

  3. New Business

    1. Sustain: Community Outreach: Larimer County Fishing Expo March 5-6
      Invited to exhibit: contract calls for $50 for booth space, need commitment from booth hosts & fly tiers
      Set up 3/4 3pm-6pm Hours Sat 3/5 9a-4p. Sun 3/6 10a-3pm
      The group discussed getting some time commitments to man the booth. We felt that it would be better to have people that can speak about TU’s purpose and our chapter’s projects.
      Dick will send out a sign-up sheet.

    2. Sustain: Community Outreach: CTU annual Gala in March:
      There is a budget item to attend the annual CTU gala in March. We have not been purchasing a table recently.
      This year the theme is recognition of Denver Water. Last week at the Board meeting Dick asked about including Northern Water as well. They agreed that Northern should be included.
      Dick would like to sponsor a table this year and have our chapter invite Northern Water as our guest. Fort Collins and Greeley water should probably be included as well.
      If we do sponsor a table, do we also make a contribution to the Colorado CTU during rendezvous?
      We agreed to have the chapter sponsor a table this year. Dick said he would send out some invitations soon to all three groups.

  4. Future meeting plans

  • Domingo mentioned that he has 4 speakers lined up for this fall.

  • CTU Rendezvous will be held in Glenwood Springs, April 22-24.

  • January 20 – John and Jodi Knight - World fly fishing Competition & Duane Cook - project lead for Project Healing Waters

  • February 17 - Fly Tying Expo
    Getting a food donor is key.

  • March 16 – Landon Mayer, we added the Behnke’s fellowship winner Cheyenne Owens to discuss her research.

  • April ----Spring Celebration?

  • May 18 - annual meet, elections – John Perry an Alaska guide & Bob Sampson will discuss Pueblo Tail water fishing

  1. Additional Items:

    • Domingo asked about getting some money to purchase some better raffle items. We approved spending $100 to get some additional table stuff.

    • Dick mentioned that Elkhorn should follow up on the business membership and get some national recognition. It would be free to them, they have already donated over the $1000 dollar level.

9:00 PM - Meeting adjourned

Submitted by Lance Asherin,
Rocky Mountain Flycasters’ Secretary

Added 1/23/2016
Supplemental note to the January minutes
On January 23rd Dick sent out a message with the following motion, I move that we approve participating with CWCB as a fiscal agent to complete the requested container purchase. On January 26th, the board of trustees approved the pass through purchase of these containers for the nursery stock.