May 13, 2015

7:01 PM - Meeting called to order

Attendance: Dick Jefferies, Linda Jefferies , Paul Wehr, Jerry Pelis, Dennis Cook, Will Huett, Lee Evans, Phil Wright, Guy Turenne , Dave Morse, Cullen Emsing, Gil Coleman, Dave Piske, Coy Wylie.

In the absence of Lance Asherin, Linda Jefferies took notes
Note: A quorum was not present.

  1. Committee Business

    1. Introductions / President’s Comments

      1. Dick thanked the board for all of their hard work and focused efforts over the past 3 years.

      2. Update on progress of activity on multi-basin Project, and payment of 1st invoice for approximately $12,000.

      3. Reminder that the Children’s water festivals in Loveland (May 14) and Fort Collins (May 20) are still in need of volunteers. Jerry Pellis is the coordinator.

      4. Reminder Volunteer opportunity Poudre River Festival

        • Added Scavenger Hunt for Kids

        • We will hand out fish cards

        • Family oriented event

        • Wil Hewitt, Dave Piske. Linda and Dick Jefferies volunteered for the event

      5. Lory State Park – We have been invited to set up a booth at for the anniversary celebration at Lory State Park Sat July 11 from 9 to 3:00 PM

      6. Lee Evans asked about this year’s Rendezvous Meeting.

      7. There are now 5 representatives to the board from the Front Range area.

      8. The initiative as put forth regarding ongoing Front Range Restoration.

      9. The site for Rendezvous will change to Glenwood Springs.

    2. Review Agenda: no items added

    3. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting: Motion/2nd/Approved:

    4. Consent Agenda: Approved

    5. Pulled Consent Items: None

  2. Old Business

    1. Fly Tying Expo – New Venue Discussion
      It is possible to have the event as it exists now at Odell, but the number of tiers would need to be reduced to around 15.
      Discussed possibility of the event being more of a volunteer thank-you and season ending party
      Possibly invite vendors.
      Could have a movie.
      Might kick off ticket sales for a fantasy raffle.
      Will moved that we accept the 29th of Sept Event at Odell as a separate event from the Fly Tying Expo.
      Small Work Group to put together the Sept 29th event. Dick Jefferies, Linda Jefferies, Dave Morse, Gil Coleman, and Lance Asherin
      Lee Evans will head up the Fly-tying expo committee, Coy Wylie volunteered as well.

    2. Grant Submission update
      $50,000 Healthy Rives fund grant was submitted

  3. New Business

    1. 2015 Marketing and Communications

      1. The committee has been working on coordinated marketing for all media employed by RMF.

      2. The committee has begun enlisting assistance from members who expressed specific interest on membership survey – mostly in the area of graphic design.

      3. Status of the Fishing Map was discussed.
        Map needs corrections, and updates.
        It was agreed that we would like to continue printing the map, but only if the map is updated with a good and appealing format.

      4. Wil presented a tear off form for volunteers. The form would target volunteers who do not use the website or receive the newsletter. The form could also be used as a tool for those who need to coordinate volunteer sign-ups with their calendars.

    2. New procedure – Grants
      Have Dick Jefferies, President listed as the contract agent. Dick will to continue review of payment requests, sign such requests and submit internally to both the Treasurer and President prior to submission to contracting agency.

    3. Update to Orientation Manual Discussed possible updates to the Orientation Manual. Since Bill Perrill is no longer with the chapter. Each board or committee member should review and update their own description in the manual.

    4. Nomination of Odell Brewery for Honorary TU Membership as thanks for their contributions to our chapter.

9:00 PM - Meeting adjourned