January 14, 2015

7:02PM - Meeting called to order

Attendance: Dick Jefferies, Linda Jefferies , Will Huett, Bob Green, Phil Wright, Dave Cunningham, Gil Coleman, Lee Evans, Jerry Pelis, Dennis Cook, Lance Asherin, Paul Wehr, Cullen Emsing, Guy Turenne and Coy Wylie

  1. Committee Business

    1. Introductions/President’s Comments

      1. Welcome David Cunningham.
        Dick officially welcomed David Cunningham as our new trustee.

      2. Volunteers.
        If someone wants to nominate someone for a volunteer recognition and award – there are two weeks left.

      3. Grant Update.
        No updates for the CWCB grant , we are still waiting for the money.

    2. Review Agenda: 2 items added see 4.0 added Items

    3. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting: Motion/2nd/Approved:

    4. Consent Agenda: Approved - no changes.

    5. Pulled Consent Items: None

  2. Old Business

    1. Holiday Party After Action Review

      1. Comments regarding Holiday Party. Pro/cons?.
        We nearly spent our $600 budget for the party. We ended up with about 15 fewer attending than we had expected and the primary reason for this is just the time of the year and other holiday commitments. A couple of suggestions for increasing participation were to start mentioning the party perhaps a month earlier at meetings and to perhaps offer a 2 for 1 deal or a free ticket to new members joining at the November meeting. Lee expressed a concern about getting too many people attending, 60 is what we expect.

    2. Marketing and Communications

      1. Marketing and Communications group has questions regarding letterhead; business cards and projects list for general meetings.
        Wil informed us that there is a new national TU Logo being developed and that we are going to wait on changing ours until we have seen the new one.
        An official letterhead has been available and it was discussed about making it available in drop box.
        A discussion about methods to increase volunteers resulted in getting a project list out earlier in our newsletter and not telling members to try and find it on our calendar also try to provide project lists at earlier general meetings.
        Communication deliveries are key to our success and a lot of effort and time is being spent by the team. Dick expressed his appreciation, something about ponies.

  3. New Business

    1. Fly Tying Expo

      1. Finalize details of upcoming Expo.
        Lee Evans is in charge of getting tiers for this year. He has sent out letters of interest to many tiers, he is trying to get 20 people. Casey Prather’s name was mentioned to contact.

      2. Flyers, press, tiers, food, etc.
        The theme for the event is Sweet Deceivers. We discussed printing up 150 flyers to be distributed to local outdoor and flyfishing shops. Nobody objected to having Brooks Garden at Mainline providing the food.

        Everyone needs to help out with the effort to get items for the silent auction table. Coy Wylie offered to coordinate the effort and help out by contacting many past supporters. Dick mentioned he had a Donation form to be used.
        It was suggested to package the gifts to try and increase the donation amounts.

  4. Added Agenda Items

    A couple of added agenda items and a question.

    1. Lee asked if we had signed up for the Larimer County Fishing Expo? Answer is not yet but he will.

    2. On Jan 31st Poudre River Forum takes place at the Ranch events center. This is an effort to get people talking about the demands and many uses of the Poudre River as well as possible management efforts to help conserve the river. Dick will contact Mary Lou.

    3. Dick expressed the real need for leaders for the Youth Day Camp. He asked that everyone please read the Newsletter article and consider volunteering. Dennis again offered that he is willing to share all of the contact information he has for the camp.

8:35PM - Meeting adjourned

Added 1/22/2015

Supplemental note to the January minutes, on Monday, January 19th, six affirmative votes were received to authorize spending $250.00 to have an entry level sponsorship for the Poudre River Forum event.